Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Courage and Grass Clippings

Hello my David!

I don't know why you wrote that you "barely" completed the challenge. You crossed the bridge and back WITH your bike (bonus points!). I have the bravest boyfriend in the world. Were you terrified? Well, yes. I knew you feared heights; that's why I thought this would be a good challenge. But courage is not doing something in the absence of fear; courage is doing something in spite of great fear. You impressed me so much yesterday, and you should take some pride in what you accomplished. If you can cross a broken-down bridge 40 feet above a river, you can do anything. You can climb Monadnock, or take down a polar bear, or fight a dragon. You are my knight in shining armor.

My day was kinda cool, I guess. Productive at least. I woke up early to babysit, and afterwards went to my aunt and uncle's house for a visit, but they weren't there. I went to the library to bide my time reading until I visited another supporter who was more supportive than I had even hoped, and I felt so encouraged. I came home, did some more work stuff, then mowed OUR lawn, with a PUSH mower, and it's BIGGER than yours. So...yeah, I'm kinda awesome. Now I'm headed off to a visit with our dear friend Cameron. I've gotta run! Maybe I will kidnap you afterward. :-D

Love you! I will read you tomorrow.
~The Princess~

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