Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No fair!

I know I was supposed to post yesterday, but I am pre-empting your post today with this post. I was with YOU all day! I feel tricked. I bet you KNEW that I needed to post, and purposefully kept me distracted, didn’t you? And now you’re all excited that you get to challenge me again so soon. Well fine, whatever, bravo to you. But will you please give me a challenge that won’t eat up hours and hours of my time? I worked on this beat-boxing track for over four hours! And that foot song you challenged me with last time took far, far longer! I have things to do! I mean, such time-consuming challenges are certainly good incentive to stay on top of posting, which I usually do. But please, cut me a break, I’m begging you.

~The Princess~

PS: This message was written in exasperation, not anger. :-D

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