Monday, June 20, 2011

Waahhhh, I don't wanna post tonight!

I'm TIRED. I don't feel like posting right now. But alas, I have made a commitment, so I will stick to it. I'm not like SOME people who treat a pact to regularly correspond with casual disregard *cough cough CHRIS cough cough*. So yeah, I'm just going to make a quick post, then go to bed. I have to be up at 4 am. I've got a babysitting job to go to, you know!

I'm a little disappointed with your most recent post; you didn't publicly react to my challenge. Where's the fear? Where's the trepidation? Where's the stubborn insistence on rising to the challenge? Where's the courage? WHERE'S THE DRAMA? That's what our [four people other than myself who subscribe to this blog and may or may not be] readers want to hear about! And you let them down. You let all of us down. Way to be. I hope you choke on a cookie.

(just kidding)

(wuv you)

Exhaustion is setting in. I must away! I will talk to you tomorrow, my love!

~The Princess~


  1. Yeah, Mouseboy! I'm disappointed (if only to show Molly that I am reading this blog, though I'm not entirely convinced that either of you read my comments)!

  2. Thank you for blatantly pointing out to us our negligence! We will read them now!!!
