Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hmmm...from crappy, alright

Molly Molly Molly,

Today started out on a very very bad note. I'm not going to go into too much detail here, as I'll be telling you all about it later, but it had to do with work, and naw, I'm not fired, but close. Isn't that a great way to start off a blog post? The suspense and tension is cranked up to 11.

Let me know when you've decided upon a suitable challenge. I'm not about to give you the satisfaction of hearing me rant about how completely unfair it is, I mean I was hanging out with John all day and then we went to get ice cream so at what point would I possibly have been able to- NOPE. Don't read that, no ranting. Just waiting.

So, I got home after a really long, boring and all around cruddy day at work and talked with my mom for a bit, and then we went out to Friendly's summer house for dinner. Score! I got a cheeseburger (of course) and curly fries. My mom got clam strips, which I didn't realize this, but taste a whole lot different from the belly of the clam. Who knew! After that I hopped onto my laptop and finally decided upon the class I'm going to take over the remainder of the summer to fill up those two remaining credits that I'm missing; Classic Mythologies! I thought that since I'm just doing it for the credits, it might as well be something I'm interested in. Also, there weren't any networking introductory classes available, so this is the next best thing...for me, not my network administrative degree.

ANYWAYS, my day got a heck of a lot better. Hope you had a pleasant and productive day. I'm sure I'll hear about it soon enough (soon meaning tonight over AIM perhaps...?)

Love you my dear, I'll read you tomorrow

-The Mouse

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