Friday, July 1, 2011

Did you know Vol. 1


You're sitting next to me writing your paper (good luck! I know you'll do just fine. Well, because you've already read the book twice now) and I'm sitting to your right, trying to think of what to write for my blog post. We spent a good chunk of the day together so you already know the gist of what I've been up to.

Well, i've got a couple minutes before I need to post so I think I'll do some sleuthing and clear up something we've been wondering about. The term handicap; it actually comes from an old English game called "hand-in-cap". The rules are kind of murky, but it more or less had to do with (if I'm reading this definition right) making a situation more equitable for both parties. So in a way, that kind of translates into the modern definition of handicap....kind of...though I guess disabled works better.

OH! Also, did you know that when someone says that they have to use "kid gloves", it doesn't mean to treat someone in the same manner as they would a child; back in the old days, and I mean old old days, they used to make gloves from kid skin (you know, baby goats) and these gloves were much softer than those rough leather ones you'd normally use if you were plowing the field or whatever else the people in the old old days did for fun. So yeah, the more you know.

Alright, you're on the couch all laying-downy with a tummy ache, so I'm gonna see if there's anything I can do. Love you

-The mouse

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