Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hey Molony,

Today was really hot and I had to work outside. Worse combination than brushing your teeth and then drinking orange juice. I got mild heat stroke today, which was not as much fun as it sounds, and the combination of heat and stroke does not sound very fun to me. I felt really really nauseated and dizzy, and even the boscos were saying that I should come in for a break, so I did.

I'm finding that my days are becoming more and more samey, so I think in future posts I'll talk more about what verses of scripture I'm reading and maybe reflect on them. I think it'd be neat. Thoughts?

Bed Time. Peace out. Love you.

Mouse boioioi

1 comment:

  1. OH, MAN! I am telling Molly that you have publicly professed your love for Molony, though I'm not sure Molony would be interested in hearing about what verses of scripture you are reading. Silly Mouseboy.
