Monday, July 25, 2011

Galatians? More like sensation!

Hey Molly,

I think I'll begin to read scripture with more of a game plan instead of just randomly choosing a verse like I am now. Or maybe I'll go a couple days reading in order then out of the blue one day I'll choose something different. So many possibilities... Maybe I'll work the Fibonacci sequence in there somehow...

Tonight I read Galatians chapter 2, which followed Paul as he headed back to Jerusalem with Titus and Barnabus to preach the Gospel. There were a couple parts that stood out to me in this chapter. The first of which was a phrase that Paul uses. In verse 2 he writes "I wanted to be sure I was not running and had not been running my race in vain." In context, he's referring to presenting his message to the leaders of the church in Jerusalem. I was just surprised by the language he used, and how natural it sounded. I could almost see him with slight apprehension when talking to John and the rest, and them reassuring him that he's doing fine. It was a very human action and kind of made me chuckle.

Another part that I found interesting was his cautiousness in teaching because of recent infiltration into his group by spies, who had joined wanting to break apart their faith. When I think of obstacles that distance me from God, they're usually inward; it's very rare that I run into something or someone which's goal is to harm me spiritually. That's probably due to my own aloofness more than anything else, but it's scary to think people would have gone so far as to actually spy on them and try to do them harm. Makes me rethink whether it was more difficult to be a Christian then or today.

Alright, I'm off to bed and to reflect upon this a little bit more. I feel like there's something more here that I'm missing. Goodnight! Read you man(tilde)ana.

-Your Mouse

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