Wednesday, July 6, 2011

God is great, God is good

Hello my David!

Have I told you lately that I love you? Have we made a reader gag recently enough? Has anyone even read our blog in the past months? I'm hoping the answer to all these questions is yes, but just in case: I love you more than the sunshine, more than music, more than peanut butter ice cream. There, now all we have left to wonder about is whether anyone will ever read that. But even if no one else does, at least I know I've told you.

What a beautiful day! I've spent a few hours of it reading for the intern study program, and a few minute of it calling a couple people to set up visits. I left a message with one person, and actually received a call back an hour or so later. That's always extremely exciting, and unfortunately rare. I also called my uncle to set up a visit and decided to make it a bike ride. We're going at 10 am on Monday--come with us! You and I can have breakfast together and listen to a Keller message, and then head out to Simsbury for a little bike ride, then come back here for a tasty lunch (there's still a lot of food left from the party to be grilled up)!

You wanna talk about challenges? Let's talk about how you were supposed to make a vlog by last Friday. Yeah, yeah, I know I gave you a grace period because of your hectic week, but unless you explicitly back down from the challenge--and I want the whiny defeat on the blog in writing--you've got until next Wednesday to complete it and post the results. Also, I need my video camera back! I want to get around to making a support video. In fact, I was going to do it today, and then I remembered that you have my camera. Also, I need to pay you back for those tent stakes I never had to use.

I will read you tomorrow, and [maybe] see you tonight!
~The Princess~


  1. Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick. This makes me so nauseous that I can't even puke, but I have an unending feeling like I will lose my lunch, just thinking of how disgustingly cute you two are. Now I am gonna post on Facebook, so you know I read this, since neither of you ever seem to notice or respond to my comments on these blogs.

  2. I will keep better track, Smeth! It's not that we were ignoring you, it's just we totally didn't expect anyone to comment! lol

  3. Hahaha, it's okay! I found it amusing that you had no idea whether people were reading your blogs, when I commented a good number of times! Haha. I assumed blogger would have some sort of notification telling you when people commented. I didn't think you were ignoring me, no worries! : )
