Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Smile, you're in Orlando!

Welcome to Florida, land of the wonderful, loving grammies with horrible, slow interwebz. There's no wireless at my grandma's house, so I am using her computer, which is kind of slow. Also, my choices for browser were Internet Explorer (you know how I hate that clicking noise) and AOL Desktop 9.6 (???). Although I chose AOL, I can't exactly say there's a clear winner there.

I noticed my grandma's virus definitions were out of date, so I tried to update, but she's using something called EMBARQ, and I have no idea what to do. I'll probably look it up online tomorrow, but the computer was so painfully slow today I couldn't stand to work on it for too long. I ran a complete scan, and 4 spyware things were found; 3 were deleted, 1 was quarantined. No viruses, but with expired definitions, if there was one would it be detected? Also, her sound icon disappeared from the lower right corner of the screen, and when I opened sound and audio in the control panel, it said there was no device found, even though we had just played a video on youtube (before the computer slowed to a freeze and we had to restart). And yes, the speakers are plugged in properly. Any ideas?

I just got back from my Uncle Russell and Aunt Becky's house. We went swimming in their beautiful screened-in pool, and then watched Idiocracy in their in-home theater, which is amazing. (Crap, I meant to take a clip of it...) I think you would like Idiocracy; it's made by the creators of King of the Hill. Enough said. Also, their little poodle dog is AMAZINGLY ADORABLE. I have some footage I'll edit later this week.

I can understand how you could finallycome to the conclusion that it's not you in the Wild Wings photo (which I think you need to upload for our readers...and posterity), but I don't understand how you made an extra step and figured out the guy's name. Please fill me in, you stalker, you.

I will read you tomorrow!
~Thy Princess~

PS- Hey, Dummy, answer your phone!

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