Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Y not?

My Dear Worm-....Molly,

Today was a crummy day, for a couple reasons

-I was stuck around the house, unable to hang out with you at Uconn!
-I read an article today that told me apparently the playstation network is down (meaning I can't play games online, ok, whateves) due to hacking of their servers, with the possibility that my credit card info might have been leaked to hackers. Sigh.
-I CAN'T BEAT THIS ONE LEVEL IN INFAMOUS (That game where I destroy stuff with electricity)

Ok, so I GUESS the last two points aren't that bad, but it stinks that I'm stuck here. It's just sooo boring. I would have been so ok with working today.

I think we should start reading a graphic novel series together, one which I think is pretty cool, and which I've probably mentioned to you before. It's called Y:The Last Man. So something happens, which causes all the men on Earth to die, all except one guy. It's pretty much his journey to find out what exactly went down, with some pretty ingenious/hilarious twists along the way. I suggest it because it's only 10 volumes long, and, being a graphic novel, it goes by waaaaay fast. Something we could easily accomplish. Next time I'm up at Uconn I'll bring along the first volume and see what you think. You might wind up really not digging it, which is  perfectly fine. It's a series I really enjoyed, and thought it might be something fun for us to share :)

Bed time, work in the morning (YES). You know, I think it's good that we take the time to make these blog posts, even if they're not always extremely interesting. It's a great way for us to keep in touch and it'll be a lot of fun to look back on years down the road. I love you my dear :)

~The Mouse

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