Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello Hello Molly

It's another dull day in Granby, and being infirmed doesn't particularly make me want to jump up and find something new or exciting to do. I THOUGHT I was feeling better, but as soon as I decided to move from my bed, the flu decided it wanted to hacky sack my brain. So I'm still fighting it, that's for sure. What have I done today....let's see... the list goes....

-Woke up
-Ate hot pocket (prolly should've eaten some fruit instead, my stomachs all bubbly now)
-Oh! Messaged you for a little bit
-Drove Zach to a tennis match!

that about does it.

I've got a big to-do list:
-Finish the limerick
-Finish paper due saturday
-Finish flu
-Finish coming up with new ways to make blog interesting.

I'm hoping things will start picking up as soon as I'm able to get out of the house again for extended periods of time, but as for now, all I can do is really....go for broke with what I have at hand. I.E.

Yes there are 2 mustaches. 1 below and 1 above the mouth. I will frankenstein this style as soon as I'm able to properly grow facial hair. Count on it. Now I gotta hurry because my mom's coming home in 7 minutes and I gotta scrape this nasty thing off my face. 

Bored and Sickly,
~The Mouse

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