Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My teachers are fairies

Hello David!

It's been drizzling all day. Everything is grey and wet. What's the point of rain if you don't have any thunder? It just makes people sad.

But not today.

Today, my teachers were possessed by generous tree nymphs, nourished and brought to life by heaven's misty sighs.

In my close relationships class, we finished discussing the chapter we were on, and so the teacher decided to cancel this coming Friday's class. Apart from bringing us great joy, the cancellation also means she will have more time to spend looking after her foster daughter, who recently decided to punch two of her teachers. But I am certain that it was the combination of our own attentive listening, our teacher's efficient pacing, and, most importantly, the tree nymph's interference, unadulterated by some minor family incident, that led to the momentous event of Friday's classlessness.

In my child welfare law class, the teacher opened by announcing that there was pizza and wings and soda downstairs, if anyone wanted any, and many of us scurried down to eat, as we had not had dinner yet, given the class starts at 5 pm. She told us to just bring it right up and eat it in class. It was almost unreal. I'm fairly certain I wasn't the only one who was shocked by the announcement, as the class froze for a good two seconds, unsure if they should believe their ears, if this was a joke, and if tree nymphs could shoot motion-sensing lasers out of their eyes at students who failed at detecting sarcasm. I have never had a teacher delay class, standing around gabbing casually with the remaining students until we all returned, because there was pizza to be eaten. Who encourages their students to leave class to partake in greasy goodness? Needless to say, our respect and awe for this woman greatly increased, and everyone was dead silent and super attentive for the remainder of class.

I would be very okay with it continuing to rain tomorrow.

Making that video was a lot of fun, and it really didn't take very long. I mean, that video in particular was pretty choppy, and just an experiment, but now that I know I can do it, I want to make more. Of course, I will be quite busy some days, so I am happy that our blog is, for the most part, text focused. But on days when I DO have extra time, would it be alright (meaning, not a breach of contract) if the majority of my post was contained in a video? In order to keep with the spirit of the original idea, I will always be sure to make at least part of my post typed. Anyway, I don't plan to be able to make videos all that often, so in all likelihood they will just continue to be supplemental. But I just thought I would run the idea by you.

Fare thee well, my love!
~The Princess~

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