Thursday, April 14, 2011

Because I love you so much

I remember the night quite clearly,
For a song had instilled such a fear in me!
With lyrics clunky and trite,
I thought the lyricist might,
Have an impediment or disability.

But lo and behold my surprise,
To find the artist that I despise,
Is sane and quite healthy,
And has become quite wealthy,
Off this rubbish he’s named “Fireflies”!

My life has become quite sad,
As this tune has driven me mad,
I’ve adopted 9 cats,
Wear a tinfoil hat,
And live with toaster named Brad. (He’s really good at connect four)

Dear Internet, I challenge you to find another boyfriend that would debase themselves to this extent, all in the name of love. Molly, you have opened up a can of WORMS. And now that I know you have the ability to capture your challenges on video...oh man, I cannot WAIT for you to slip up!! I will have my day.

Menacingly with hints of love,
~The Mouse

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