Monday, April 25, 2011

Pet names and productivity

Gummy Bahre?? Seriously???  It doesn't even have a nice ring to it, nor is it that cute. You have the perfectly swell nickname of Molly-bear at your disposal, and you decide on Gummy Bahre? My only consolation is that it can't last long. And please don't take that as a challenge. It's bad enough that all of our children are going to be adverbs; I don't need a gelatinous nickname to sweeten the deal.

Looking back, my day was surprisingly PRODUCTIVE and AWESOME-FILLED. I created a slide show for a presentation I have this Wednesday in my child welfare & the law class, I added a handful of contacts to my RUF mailing list, I wrote JJ a letter (to be mailed tomorrow) and made Cameron a ghost note, finished all my readings/videos assigned for my comparative family policy class, and had a lovely last RUF girls' small group reading, in which we read 3 John, finishing our study of John's epistles. I just posted for the day on, and now I am posting here, much to your frustration. You thought I would forget, but I have not! Oh, don't worry, I'm sure I'll forget sooner or later, probably one day when we're hanging out and you happily keep silent, knowing full well that it's my day to post. Of course, I bet the reverse will be just as likely as well, so I expect the challenges to fly back and forth. Speaking of which, can't wait to hear your poem Thursday!

Tomorrow is a ho-hum day. I have advanced workshop at 9 pm, but besides that, I have nothing planned. I know you also have nothing to do, because you have work off. I will try to make the most of my time, and do things that I enjoy, such as making a video or writing a letter, or, oh yeah, I have to finish my roast speech! I am so excited for the Agents of Improv roast this year! I hope you are able to come and laugh with/at me!

That's all for today, my love. I know you're waiting eagerly to read my post.
~The Princess~

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