Thursday, April 7, 2011


Good morrow, David!

I see you neglected to post yesterday. Well, THAT didn't take long. Seriously, dude. The first week? That's just pathetic. Ah well, it means I can now challenge you. Don't worry, I won't be too cruel.

Your challenge is to write a poem in limerick form, with at least two stanzas, about your love for the band Owl City.

In case you don't know limerick form,
For in poems it is not the norm,
It goes something like this
This form brings me such bliss
As I sit and I blog in my dorm

Yeah...You have a week from today to write the limerick and include it in one of your posts. Good luck.

I'm going to take a nap until my next class. This morning, practically the whole class was spent talking about fistula. So NEXT class we will get to female genital mutilation, or FMG, as the cool kids say. I did not expect these topics when I signed up for the class. They are pretty gross, to be sure, but I also feel a lot of compassion and pity for the women who have to endure these things. Did you know that fistula was eliminated in the United States by 1900? Most people don't even know what it is (for anyone reading, look up a description, such as at; do NOT Google image search it first, as David decided to do), and thus have no idea how lucky we are not to have to deal with something so horrible. There is so much pain and suffering in this world that I am so oblivious of. I like when classes like this do something to change that.

Read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

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