Saturday, April 30, 2011

Things are looking up!

Molly Molly Molly,

This has been a rough week for me, particularly with getting back into the swing of things at work. I am now relaxing, and tomorrow (after work, hmph) I'll be able to see you!!! So, to keep this good feeling rolling I'm going to share some things that I have been enjoying lately. First is...

Which is the band grizzly bear doing one of their songs, which I mean, is a great song, but what's cool is that this youtube channel gets artists to just out of the blue break into their songs on the street, and record what happens. It doesn't always sound excellent, but it's almost always a neat take on the music that I've heard a bajillion times before.

2nd is... 

You Can't Win by Jack Black, and no, not Jack Black the "actor". Jack Black the hobo. It's a book written by a hobo about his life being a hobo. I just started it,'s really fascinating. Apparently he robs, cheats, joins a gang, all that stuff. Which isn't very nice of him, but it's like nothing I've read before. Too early for me to recommend that you read it, but chances are you'll probably want to pass. is interesting.

And 3rd, is sleep. I've been getting surprisingly good sleep lately! I'm usually troubled by bad dreams, but it's been a week or so since I've had one. I'm actually starting to wake up and feel well rested and refreshed, which is a cuuuhhhhrraaaazzyyy phenomenon. I hardly ever wake up and not feel kind of groggy, so I'm really digging this change.

I am very, very tired, and you're on aim, so I will probably talk to you, and then go to bed; I want tomorrow to (seemingly) get over as soon as possible so I can hightail it up to Uconn! See you around 6:30!!!

-El Mouse

Friday, April 29, 2011


I don't wanna write today!!! I have no energy and nothing to say. Well, I have plenty that could be said, but do you ever so lack energy that even talking is a frustrating expenditure of effort? Yeah, that's me right now. I just want to curl up and cuddle, and since I can't do that, I'd rather just go to sleep and see if tomorrow I awaken any brighter.

Tomorrow is the Tour of a Lifetime, the epic urban to prank a tour group for their entire tour. We have zombies stumbling into the infirmary, a break-up that happens three times the same way in three different locations, a Hawaiian-themed bus stop party, a mad scientist, an epic battle between pirate and zombie, a parade, and much, much more. Later in the day is the Glee show, for which the Agents advanced group is opening. And next week is ohsnapfinalsweek. My study plans (because I know you're ever so interested):

Saturday: Write third and final essay of final exam for child law class. Read over psych notes, highlighting anything important.
Sunday: Rest. Duh.
Monday: Write essay for comparative family policy. Read over psych notes again. Read over comparative family policy notes.
Tuesday: Quick review of psych notes. Read close relationships class notes. Take psych exam at 1. Look at comparative family policy study guide and figure out what I need to study better.
Wednesday: Read over close relationships notes again. Take close relationships exam at 1. Study for comparative family policy.
Thursday: Take comparative family policy exam at 8 am. Dance or something.
Friday: Go biking with Cameron. Pack.
Saturday: Reminisce and cry a lot.

I love you, and I will read you Monday,
~The Princess~

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So I know I'm not supposed to use the letter S, but I am so drained mentally and physically that I'm just going to confine those rules to my Limerick. You asked for it, enjoy :P

There once lived a boy in Owatonna,
Who made Mozart appear like Madonna,
He crooned and he played,
And like an audible blade,
Carved up my heart with indie pop drama.

Now I love Owl City,
And I think Adam Young could be pretty,
If I were a woman,
And didn’t have a wonderful girlfriend,
I’d be willing to write him a ditty

It ain't perfect, but it was SO difficult! I kid you not when I say that I spent 2 hours working on it. Ok, now I gotta study for my exam on saturday.

My Mom made a good point when I read this for her; you're a good influence on me, you push me out of my box and get me moving. Otherwise I would've spent my entire evening studying (a little) and playing a game or surfing the web. So I should be saying thank you. 

So, thank you. :)

I love you very much, I hope your roast goes well! 

Goodnight my love,
~The Mouse

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A wonderful day

Good evening, David!

Reading Y: The Last Man sounds like an EXCELLENT idea. I am super excited. Yes, please bring the first book when you next come to visit!

Today was busy, busy, busy. I awoke at half past nine, did quiet time, showered, worked on something for work, worked on my presentation for class tonight, went to lunch, went to close relationships class, went to the Benton cafe--PAUSE.

The Benton has a wonderful thing called Italian Soda. I saw a sign for it when Cameron and I were walking to class, as suggested we stop on the way back. It's basically just seltzer and WHATEVER COMBINATION OF DELICIOUS SYRUPS YOU WANT, and it's only 99 cents! I got Milano chocolate and peppermint. I want to go back and try cinnamon. They also have vanilla, almond, and all kinds of fruity flavors as well.--REWIND.

We got Kay and Caitlin to come along with us for the adventure to the Beanery (that's what the Benton cafe is called). Behind the Benton is a lovely courtyard that I have passed many times but never walked through. From this side, it is much more beautiful and less awkward and gloomy looking. It has statues (the second picture is facing Wilbur Cross) and a fountain. I used the timer setting on my camera to take a picture of the four of us. Don't we look awesome? Yes. Yes we do--PLAY.

...went to work, met up with a few classmates at Bookworms for a group project, went to class at 5 where we gave our presentation, ran to the Union to catch an Agents show in which I was unexpectedly in the long form portion, grabbed a chicken parm grinder (with extra sauce) at the Union Street Market, cut Gooski's hair back at South, and now I'm online talking to you, while writing this post. What a full--but satisfying--day!

And the roast is tomorrow! I can't wait!
And you have to post your poem tomorrow! I can't wait!

Have a wonderful evening, my love!
~The Princess--STOP

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Y not?

My Dear Worm-....Molly,

Today was a crummy day, for a couple reasons

-I was stuck around the house, unable to hang out with you at Uconn!
-I read an article today that told me apparently the playstation network is down (meaning I can't play games online, ok, whateves) due to hacking of their servers, with the possibility that my credit card info might have been leaked to hackers. Sigh.
-I CAN'T BEAT THIS ONE LEVEL IN INFAMOUS (That game where I destroy stuff with electricity)

Ok, so I GUESS the last two points aren't that bad, but it stinks that I'm stuck here. It's just sooo boring. I would have been so ok with working today.

I think we should start reading a graphic novel series together, one which I think is pretty cool, and which I've probably mentioned to you before. It's called Y:The Last Man. So something happens, which causes all the men on Earth to die, all except one guy. It's pretty much his journey to find out what exactly went down, with some pretty ingenious/hilarious twists along the way. I suggest it because it's only 10 volumes long, and, being a graphic novel, it goes by waaaaay fast. Something we could easily accomplish. Next time I'm up at Uconn I'll bring along the first volume and see what you think. You might wind up really not digging it, which is  perfectly fine. It's a series I really enjoyed, and thought it might be something fun for us to share :)

Bed time, work in the morning (YES). You know, I think it's good that we take the time to make these blog posts, even if they're not always extremely interesting. It's a great way for us to keep in touch and it'll be a lot of fun to look back on years down the road. I love you my dear :)

~The Mouse

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pet names and productivity

Gummy Bahre?? Seriously???  It doesn't even have a nice ring to it, nor is it that cute. You have the perfectly swell nickname of Molly-bear at your disposal, and you decide on Gummy Bahre? My only consolation is that it can't last long. And please don't take that as a challenge. It's bad enough that all of our children are going to be adverbs; I don't need a gelatinous nickname to sweeten the deal.

Looking back, my day was surprisingly PRODUCTIVE and AWESOME-FILLED. I created a slide show for a presentation I have this Wednesday in my child welfare & the law class, I added a handful of contacts to my RUF mailing list, I wrote JJ a letter (to be mailed tomorrow) and made Cameron a ghost note, finished all my readings/videos assigned for my comparative family policy class, and had a lovely last RUF girls' small group reading, in which we read 3 John, finishing our study of John's epistles. I just posted for the day on, and now I am posting here, much to your frustration. You thought I would forget, but I have not! Oh, don't worry, I'm sure I'll forget sooner or later, probably one day when we're hanging out and you happily keep silent, knowing full well that it's my day to post. Of course, I bet the reverse will be just as likely as well, so I expect the challenges to fly back and forth. Speaking of which, can't wait to hear your poem Thursday!

Tomorrow is a ho-hum day. I have advanced workshop at 9 pm, but besides that, I have nothing planned. I know you also have nothing to do, because you have work off. I will try to make the most of my time, and do things that I enjoy, such as making a video or writing a letter, or, oh yeah, I have to finish my roast speech! I am so excited for the Agents of Improv roast this year! I hope you are able to come and laugh with/at me!

That's all for today, my love. I know you're waiting eagerly to read my post.
~The Princess~

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Root of All...Good!

Hey Gummy Bahre! That's gonna be my new pet name for you, because it's just gooey enough to make steph gag, I reckon.

You're playing Bit. Trip Runner, and from the looks of it doing pretty good. I'm here typing up our blog entry for the day, and maybe we're gonna watch a movie in a little bit. What an excellent way to spend my evening, with my awesome girlfriend, ice cream, and relaxation.

It's fun going back to work, it almost feels like putting on a coat that I haven't worn in a while, except instead of finding $10 in my pocket I find that I have to lift mulch and greet customers. Which isn't a bad thing! Aside from having really cool bosses, my job is great because I'm able to walk up to any ol' person, ask them how their day is going, help them find what they want, and watch as they leave satisfied and happy. Working at a flower shop is different from working at a supermarket or dry cleaners in that the customers I meet genuinely love and enjoy the product we supply. It's (almost) never out of necessity that people purchase plants; it's because they want to watch this little sproutling soak up sun and water, and turn into something beautiful. I think we can both agree that this world is a pretty strange and cruel place, but when a person decides to take care of a plant, it settles my heart a little knowing that this person is giving their time and resources and care all for the joy of helping this little guy live. In a way, you can almost compare it to the way God loves us. He brought us to life and sustains us not out of any silly human desire, but because He loves us. We've been given something pretty amazing. Really, how cool is that?

WELL, I think I'm gonna watch you play videogames for a little while longer, and then maybe we'll watch a movie. You sure look awful cute trying your darnedest not to crash into those walls and grabbing those gold bars :)

Love you,
~The Mouse 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Owl Sity iS the beSt!!!

Hello my David!

I see that despite my kind reminder, given out of concern for your already challenge-burdened self, you failed to post yesterday. I don't know why you would be asking for forgiveness, for I am more than happy to get to think up a challenge in response to your neglectfulness. It's mercy you need, my love. But, knowing you have a paper to write, I will be kind and not ask too much of you. You do, after all, still need to come up with a couple adoring verses about your favorite avian village. So here are my demands:

You have put off challenge #1 for far too long. In place of giving you an extra challenge, I am going to add a detail to the initial one. You are to write your poem and place it on the blog on or by the day preceding Friday next week. And it may not include even one appearance of the letter S. If you've noticed, I have managed to avoid the banned letter throughout the whole paragraph here, except for where I mentioned it above, clearly. I perceive the difficulty level to be fairly low. Let me make one note: you may NOT circumvent appearance of the letter by merely eliminating it from a word, or adopting a way of talking that will break a grammatical rule. I encourage you to begin planning immediately. I believe in you.

I hope you are having a good time at work. Back to the daily grind! I am super excited to see you this weekend. Yay yay YAY!!! Don't forget to post tomorrow!

I love you!
~The Princess~

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A daffodil's worth a thousand words

Dear David,

As you know, daffodils are my favorite flower. They are probably the only reason that I like spring, with all its mud and pollen. Daffodils are everywhere here in Storrs, and little clumps of them are popping up all around campus. I can't describe to you just how great is my temptation to gather myself a bouquet. Thankfully, social guidelines, respect for school property, and support of campus beautification hold me back. Well, those, and the fact that most of the daffodils I pass are in highly visible areas, so I know that someone would see me, and probably disapprove. Also, I would be very upset if someone else was going around and snapping up all the beautiful daffodils for themselves. This way, everybody gets to enjoy them, little reminders of the hidden life about to explode into view. Also, they last longer when still attached to the ground. But I still can't shake the desire to pluck one of those happy flowers for my own.

So you can imagine my elation when, upon returning from a dissertation defense where I felt horribly out of place surrounded by a small clutch of faculty and grad students, I noticed one of the daffodils lying on the ground. It was white with a ruffled yellow trumpet, and of course my first instinct was to go and investigate the nature of its unusual posture. Not only was its stalk knocked over--this would have provided reason enough for me to consider bring it back with me to my dorm room, although first I would have felt obligated to give it a chance to stand upright again--it was snapped off at the base. As far as I could tell, it seemed that its sturdy stalk had simply refused to bend with whatever force had toppled it, and it had resolved to make a clean break to relieve the pressure. Of course, the poor flower had no way of knowing that such a decision would have spelled its doom, had I not come by at just that moment to rescue it from a withering fate. I took it back with me and placed it in a water bottle that I filled and tore the label off of to make the daffodil feel more at home. Now its sunny countenance smiles up at me as I sit here, recounting the tale of its journey from mulch to Molly.

It is a good day.

David, I will hear from you tomorrow.

~The Princess~

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello Hello Molly

It's another dull day in Granby, and being infirmed doesn't particularly make me want to jump up and find something new or exciting to do. I THOUGHT I was feeling better, but as soon as I decided to move from my bed, the flu decided it wanted to hacky sack my brain. So I'm still fighting it, that's for sure. What have I done today....let's see... the list goes....

-Woke up
-Ate hot pocket (prolly should've eaten some fruit instead, my stomachs all bubbly now)
-Oh! Messaged you for a little bit
-Drove Zach to a tennis match!

that about does it.

I've got a big to-do list:
-Finish the limerick
-Finish paper due saturday
-Finish flu
-Finish coming up with new ways to make blog interesting.

I'm hoping things will start picking up as soon as I'm able to get out of the house again for extended periods of time, but as for now, all I can do is really....go for broke with what I have at hand. I.E.

Yes there are 2 mustaches. 1 below and 1 above the mouth. I will frankenstein this style as soon as I'm able to properly grow facial hair. Count on it. Now I gotta hurry because my mom's coming home in 7 minutes and I gotta scrape this nasty thing off my face. 

Bored and Sickly,
~The Mouse

Friday, April 15, 2011


David, David, David,

It was supposed to be a poem about your LOVE for Owl City, not your hatred of them. Thus, the challenge still stands. Good thing you have the weekend to write a new one.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is only fueling your enthusiasm to get me back when I miss a day. So I plan to be hyper-vigilant and make sure that doesn't happen. Or maybe I should be more lax and let it happen when it happens in order to get it out of the way, so your impatient malice doesn't build to dangerously menacing levels. I'll have to think about that one.

It's April 15th! Do you know what today is? That's right! It's the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic! Kinda makes you want to pop a champagne cork or tear open a hull or something, doesn't it? O_O Too soon?

Sorry that this post is kinda short. I don't have much to say tonight.
~The Princess~

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Because I love you so much

I remember the night quite clearly,
For a song had instilled such a fear in me!
With lyrics clunky and trite,
I thought the lyricist might,
Have an impediment or disability.

But lo and behold my surprise,
To find the artist that I despise,
Is sane and quite healthy,
And has become quite wealthy,
Off this rubbish he’s named “Fireflies”!

My life has become quite sad,
As this tune has driven me mad,
I’ve adopted 9 cats,
Wear a tinfoil hat,
And live with toaster named Brad. (He’s really good at connect four)

Dear Internet, I challenge you to find another boyfriend that would debase themselves to this extent, all in the name of love. Molly, you have opened up a can of WORMS. And now that I know you have the ability to capture your challenges on video...oh man, I cannot WAIT for you to slip up!! I will have my day.

Menacingly with hints of love,
~The Mouse

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My teachers are fairies

Hello David!

It's been drizzling all day. Everything is grey and wet. What's the point of rain if you don't have any thunder? It just makes people sad.

But not today.

Today, my teachers were possessed by generous tree nymphs, nourished and brought to life by heaven's misty sighs.

In my close relationships class, we finished discussing the chapter we were on, and so the teacher decided to cancel this coming Friday's class. Apart from bringing us great joy, the cancellation also means she will have more time to spend looking after her foster daughter, who recently decided to punch two of her teachers. But I am certain that it was the combination of our own attentive listening, our teacher's efficient pacing, and, most importantly, the tree nymph's interference, unadulterated by some minor family incident, that led to the momentous event of Friday's classlessness.

In my child welfare law class, the teacher opened by announcing that there was pizza and wings and soda downstairs, if anyone wanted any, and many of us scurried down to eat, as we had not had dinner yet, given the class starts at 5 pm. She told us to just bring it right up and eat it in class. It was almost unreal. I'm fairly certain I wasn't the only one who was shocked by the announcement, as the class froze for a good two seconds, unsure if they should believe their ears, if this was a joke, and if tree nymphs could shoot motion-sensing lasers out of their eyes at students who failed at detecting sarcasm. I have never had a teacher delay class, standing around gabbing casually with the remaining students until we all returned, because there was pizza to be eaten. Who encourages their students to leave class to partake in greasy goodness? Needless to say, our respect and awe for this woman greatly increased, and everyone was dead silent and super attentive for the remainder of class.

I would be very okay with it continuing to rain tomorrow.

Making that video was a lot of fun, and it really didn't take very long. I mean, that video in particular was pretty choppy, and just an experiment, but now that I know I can do it, I want to make more. Of course, I will be quite busy some days, so I am happy that our blog is, for the most part, text focused. But on days when I DO have extra time, would it be alright (meaning, not a breach of contract) if the majority of my post was contained in a video? In order to keep with the spirit of the original idea, I will always be sure to make at least part of my post typed. Anyway, I don't plan to be able to make videos all that often, so in all likelihood they will just continue to be supplemental. But I just thought I would run the idea by you.

Fare thee well, my love!
~The Princess~

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ho hum Day

Today was a pretty ordinary day my love. I had breakfast, lunch and dinner, I did some studying, some reading, some game playing. I ALSO wrote the melody to an entire song, and it turned out to be pretty lame....but I wrote it! So that's gotta count for something. Some other notable things that happened today:

-Oscar got really really sick. Poor little guy. I'd like to think that he'll last a while longer cuz he's a fighter, but the thing is....he isn't :( So I dunno how he's gonna hold up. He probably ate something in Zach's room. Dumb Zach...

-I tried a very very good Canadian beer tonight called Maudite. It had an almost rasiny, carmelly taste to it, very smooth. I think I'm going to start a separate blog dedicated to reviewing beer. Well, maybe not this year, but at some point. Just another fun little hobby.

-My girlfriend posted her first Vlog!!! And it was adorable! Especially with the little cuts she made in the video footage :) She is so talented, I can definitely see this being an on going thing (the vlogging, oh yeah and the relationship :P).

I'm going to manchester tomorrow with mousemom, dunno why, but we're making a trip over there. You've got advanced tonight!! Hope you have a good time. Maybe you'll be able to see this afterwards. Hopefully thursday's entry will be far more entertaining....because of a certain cruel pact you're holding against me....  : |

~The Mouse


I know this isn't my day, and I'm supposed to be doing homework, but I got really distracted. I am so proud of myself. Just wanted to share this. Back to work!

~The Princess~

Monday, April 11, 2011

Truth, Hope, and French Cologne

Hello, David!

I was endlessly amused by your foulcity link. I think you may just have created the new Rick Roll. But what to call it? Blackout? "I clicked on the link, and it was a Blackout!" "You just got blacked out!" Black outed? "He just blacked me out!" BecBlacking? That has a clicky ring to it. "Oh man, you BecBlacked me!" "I'll click on the link, but if it's a BecBlack, I swear to Astley..." Anyway, my point is, I think it should be come a Thing. But in order to make that happen, it needs a catchy name. Thoughts, anyone?

Thank you for making me aware recently of just how enthusiastic you are about the opportunity to challenge me back when I miss a day. It makes me all the more determined to thwart your efforts. You say you've already come up with 3 ideas! Why in the world would you tell me that? As much as you love me, and as kind and wonderful as you are to me, I know just how mischievous and evil you can be if given half the chance. This week I will be posting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, which are the days when I have the most free time, so don't get your hopes up about me missing a day this week. Thursdays especially are my busy days, so I guess you can keep your fingers crossed for next week. As we discussed, posts that are not made by midnight on the designated day (9 pm according to this blog's timestamp) are considered missed posts, fair game for challenges. Speaking of Thursday, I look forward to hearing your love poem to Owl City.

You left your almost empty bottle of cologne here, by the way, so I took the liberty of analyzing it. The sticker on the bottom says it was made by French Fragrances, Inc., but underneath it clearly states that it was made in the U.S.A., in Miami Lakes, FL. The company name is in only slightly larger font than the admission of the true origin. Someone must have thought, though, that making the perfume sound French would increase sales. Why, though? What's so special about French perfume? If anything, the French are unfortunately stereotyped as smelling terrible, showering infrequently, and neglecting to shave (if female). If French perfume were so wonderful, the French would not be presumed to smell so bad. I'm not saying that I think Floridian origin has any appeal, but I am saying that the company clearly stationed in the United States could've made a better decision than trying to make themselves sound French.

That's all for today. I will read you tomorrow.
~The Princess~

Friday, April 8, 2011

Not. Fair.

I see my better half has given me a punishment! No good deed goes unpunished I see; it's not my fault! I went up to visit her on Wednesday, which apparently can't compare to a blog entry ;P


I am not pleased for a number of reasons, biggest one being that I have another blog devoted ENTIRELY to the verbal curb stomping of adam young ( Second being that I can already think of a number of awesome verses. It's gonna be tough; I dunno if there's a way I can write it and still find a fleck of dignity in my being....Hmm. Well played girlfriend...

WELL, Zach got honors for the 3rd semester in a row, so to celebrate his good grades we went out to Outback for dinner!! Awesome. The family all had steaks, and I had ribs, and they were wonderful. Which got me to thinking; what was the single, most excellent meal that I've ever had? Not necessarily the best taste wise, but the one to me that was most fun and enjoyable. And I gotta say Moll Doll, making "The Pizza Burger" will sit snuggly forever in my stomach's mind as my favorite meal. It was so much fun. We have to do another one of those sometime. Well, maybe not a pizza burger (it was a fluke, I doubt we could ever make something that superb a second time) but how about something a little more conventional? I know you know that I'm not exactly a huge fan of cooking, but I'd like to make something delicious the both of us could enjoy :D

BTW, I just remembered this site. It's definitely a page to avoid if your fridge is empty/smeth has dibs on your left over dp dough. Oh, and ignore the creepy name.

Maybe I'll talk to you later on tonight! I'll be super busy watching 30 Rock and eating ice cream. Tough, I know, but I'll manage somehow. Hope you have fun at the dinner! It'll go great!

~The Mouse

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Good morrow, David!

I see you neglected to post yesterday. Well, THAT didn't take long. Seriously, dude. The first week? That's just pathetic. Ah well, it means I can now challenge you. Don't worry, I won't be too cruel.

Your challenge is to write a poem in limerick form, with at least two stanzas, about your love for the band Owl City.

In case you don't know limerick form,
For in poems it is not the norm,
It goes something like this
This form brings me such bliss
As I sit and I blog in my dorm

Yeah...You have a week from today to write the limerick and include it in one of your posts. Good luck.

I'm going to take a nap until my next class. This morning, practically the whole class was spent talking about fistula. So NEXT class we will get to female genital mutilation, or FMG, as the cool kids say. I did not expect these topics when I signed up for the class. They are pretty gross, to be sure, but I also feel a lot of compassion and pity for the women who have to endure these things. Did you know that fistula was eliminated in the United States by 1900? Most people don't even know what it is (for anyone reading, look up a description, such as at; do NOT Google image search it first, as David decided to do), and thus have no idea how lucky we are not to have to deal with something so horrible. There is so much pain and suffering in this world that I am so oblivious of. I like when classes like this do something to change that.

Read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Once upon a morning dreary...

Good evening, David!

I am so excited to start this blogging project. One thing you neglected to mention was that failure to blog will result in the other blogger getting the right to challenge the perpetrator, or provide a consequence of some sort. My bet is on you being the first to slip up. We will see, we will see...

My morning started off beautifully. After last night's revelry over the men's basketball championship victory, a misty grey silence fell over the campus. The only sound, when I was walking to class, was the whistling of the strong winds swirling over the paths and tugging at our coats. It was pretty awesome. For pictures and a more artful description, check this out. Anyway, my first class was missing a third of its usual attendees, presumably due to the fact that there were so many people hung over. We talked about women's rights and outsourcing, and the teacher ended the class saying that we were a little behind, but don't worry, we would talk about fistula and genital mutilation at the beginning of next class. Now, I'm sure the latter topic is self-explanatory, but if you don't know what fistula is, you're going to have to find out yourself, but I warn you, it's pretty gruesome. Thursday's class should be...uh...well, let's just say I'm going to be sure to locate the waste basket before class starts, just in case. Oh boy, something to look forward to. Ugh.

My 2 o'clock class had even less people. In a class of over 100, there were maybe, MAYBE 30 of us in attendance today. At 5, students gathered at Gampel for a pep rally, to welcome home the UConn men's team. Who knows how long that will last. I'm sure there will be more celebrating afterward. Having the championship game on a Monday night strikes me as a pretty terrible idea. This whole week, I bet class sizes will be greatly reduced. Go Huskies...?

~The Princess~

Monday, April 4, 2011

First Post!!

Hello! This blog is The Princess and the Mouse, a joint effort between Molly and myself to share interesting/funny/excellent things throughout the day. HOPEFULLY we'll be able to make updates every day, with the two of us alternating posts. Yeah, that's about the jist of it; so without further hullabalo, I christen this blog.....

~The Mouse