Monday, May 2, 2011

noun \'pa-sij\: A way of exit or entrance

Hullo Molly,

Because I'm such an excellent, super, spectacular, handsome boyfriend, I've decided to post tonight instead of just reposting Saturday's. However because it is late and I just ate a hot pocket it will be a short post. John and I drove home and stopped by target(s) and grabbed some motor oil then high tailed it home. We pulled into John's rented spot at the church and spotted a fox! Well, I did, I don't think John was able to catch it. Along the way home we had a long talk about video games; the state of the industry, how we expect games to be "fun" instead of emotionally or mentally provoking. Which led us to talk about...


An interesting little game that's much more about making a statement than being a source of entertainment in the typical sense for games (though it is entertaining). I really suggest you play it. I'm not going to say anything about it, I want to hear what conclusions you draw from it. It's short; every time you play it the game lasts only five minutes. But there are a number of different ways to play. I wonder if you'll be intrigued, or bored. Either way, I want to hear your opinion of it.

WELL, I'm going to bed, it's getting late, and I've got a car to fix early in the morning. Goodnight, I love you so much! I will talk to you tomorrow!

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