Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Are you Holly?"

Dear David,

Another morning of errands! But at least these are sort of fun, because they are in preparation for the VIRGINIA TRIP!!! Two more days--I'm leaving on Saturday, by 5:30 AM. Wicked early, but it'll be worth it. And then the following week, I'll be headed to Atlanta for RUF orientation. What an adventure I have ahead of me! Yes, our summer is getting chunked up in bits, and time seems to be flying by, but we will be okay. I agree, we should try to plan our remaining time so that we make good use of it. We still need to memorize 1 Cor. 13, for example! And beat 247 at Blue Fox (that's right, it was higher than 243). And I am also hoping we can finally play co-op in Portal 2! My fingers are crossed that this may be your secret plan for tonight, after our wonderful dinner. My guess is that the secret gift coming in the mail that will be useful to us both is actually a second PS3 controller. If that is correct, can I decorate it? Pweeeeease?

No call from you today, so I assume you do have to work after all, despite the recent downpour. Right now it isn't so bad out, though. I mean, it's pretty dim outside, but at least it's not raining anymore...for now.

A man in a janitor or mechanic uniform (you know what I mean, dark trousers, dark blue button up shirt with a name sewn on) just came up to me and asked, "Are you Holly?" I said, "Molly?" He said, "No, Holly." I said, "No, I'm Molly." He said sorry and then walked to the next table and asked an elderly lady if her name was Holly. I guess he's waiting to pick someone up or something. But he must have no idea whatsoever whom he's expecting. He said something like, "Maybe she's walking around outside," and now he's outside standing about on the sidewalk, looking out over the parking lot. I wonder what the story is there. Maybe he and Holly belong to a local church, and she needs a ride somewhere, and he volunteered, and was told to meet her at Starbucks. I'm assuming he's not looking for a mystery date, because I'm a little young, and the older lady is sitting with an elderly man already, although she isn't wearing a ring, so I guess she would be fair game. I'm thinking it must involve some sort of favor, because of his complete lack of an idea of what this Holly looks like. Maybe I am mistaken about hearing him say something about needing to give Holly a ride somewhere. Perhaps he's just meeting her here to give or receive something lost. One time, when walking back from powerlining, we found a ring of keys, with a name and number on them. We called the number (and by "we" I of course don't mean that I called the number), and the man they belonged to came to UConn to pick them up. Maybe this is a situation like that.

I'm so very curious! But I guess I will never know. These little mysteries make life so interesting. They remind me that everyone has a whole life hidden to me, a whole bunch of connections with other people, family, friends, a job, maybe they have a pet. What brings these different people to Starbucks? I'd like to just sit down with a random person and start a conversation, learn about their life. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), social norms keep me from being a nosy Nelly with complete strangers.

I will see you tonight, and read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

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