Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Expect Greatness

Good evening, David!

Expecting a brutal consequence, I was extremely unsettled by the title of your last post. You know how much I dislike feet. Upon reading the challenge itself, however, I was actually relieved. I think it's interesting you're challenging me to write a song, given that I have been wanting to learn guitar. A poem about feet would be pretty simple for me, and I guess you knew that. A song, however, will be quite a challenge, but a fun and interesting challenge. Having to write about my love for feet makes the task quite uncomfortable and awkward, though, so you have succeeded in creating a very punishing consequence. Congratulations. I can't promise it will be the best song ever--and it certainly won't be the best accompanied song ever--but I am ready to rise to the challenge.

Tomorrow morning I will be heading to Monadnock for what must be about the tenth time. And then, weather permitting, I will be hiking the mountain Tuesday as well. I wish you would hurry up and conquer your fear of heights so you could see what it's like to stand atop the summit. It's beautiful up there. I've hiked Monadnock time and again because I love it so much, and the view from the summit is something I hope to share with you someday. Until then, photos will have to suffice.

I am so excited to have received a video camera for my birthday! Oh, the world of opportunity this opens. That reminds me, I'm way behind on my photo blog. I'm going to be posting double photos for much longer than I had originally thought. Ugh. I love the idea of the blog, and I want to stick with it, but it's so easy to forget, especially being at home, with no way to connect my laptop to the interwebs. Good thing I have your house to invade. I think I'm going to try to tap into the Gambles' wireless from Fraser's room. I hear rumor that it's possible.

I'm also reminded that I need to upload video from my camera onto my laptop, to clear the memory for tomorrow's hike! Or maybe not, because I got an 8 GB memory card, and I think I have somewhere in the ballpark of two hours of recording time left. My plan for tomorrow? 8 AM, waking up in the morning. Gotta be fresh, gotta go's Thursday, Thursday, gotta hike a mountain on Thursday...

Please give me a call on your break all the same, and if I don't pick up because I am out of range, leave a message!

I will read you tomorrow, my love!
~The Princess~

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