Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A foot by any other name would smell as sweet...


Molly Molly Molly.

You have made a mistake. And unfortunately this is not the type of mistake that you can afford to make and simply shrug off. Nope, this one has CONSEQUENCES. Like when you accidentally fart in a lecture hall or drop a newborn, even just once. CONSEQUENCES. Because you failed to post on the blog yesterday, your challenge will be as follows:

By next Tuesday, you must write a song praising feet, accompanied with a guitar part. It can be as simple as two chords played back and forth, but I expect 2 verses and a chorus. If you'd like, yo may request my help with chord structure, but not with lyrics. Extra credit will be given if a video is made.

Right now, you're playing Portal 2, and struggling just a little bit. I'll give you a hint: You have to catapult yourself through the ring that's suspended in the air! Easy! I'm sure you'll get it in a few moments anyways. Good luck!

-The Mouse

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