Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tick Tock Tick Tock!

HHeelloo MMoollllyy,

What a night! Excellent food, excellent company, talk of prostate exams! What more could a birthday girl ask for? Maybe a SECOND BIRTHDAY DINNER? That's right, you, me, tomorrow night. It's on and it's gonna be excellent, so long as your tastebuds get back in working order. And afterwards we'll have an excellent evening doing something we both love! Ahhhh I can't wait.

Dunno if you've noticed, but it's been raining outside, like a lot. I'm hoping as hard as I can that I won't be needed at work tomorrow, because I really don't feel like lifting concrete again. My muscles need time to rest. AND we'd have plenty of time to hang out tomorrow if that happened. That'd be pretty neat. :D

So you're heading to Virginia Friday, and then when you get back you're off again for fundraising. The rest of our summer together seems to be chopped up into smaller and smaller remaining portions. We need to put our heads together and make use of this time we have left together. Like beating 243 at Blue Fox Run! Or convincing you that the milkshakes at Sunrise Deli are actually excellent (again, your tastebuds need to get better). OR something else that will become apparent in the very near future!

Whoot, I am rambling, and I am very tired. Goodnight my Molly, I will see you tomorrow (night?).

-The Mouse

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