Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can't think up witty title, help!

Hey Hey Hey Molly Bean,

Pretty uneventful day today; went to work, it got really hot this afternoon, which brought back memories of the insane amount of watering I had to do last summer. Today I watered the entirety of bosco's but after finishing, a couple hours had passed and I had to start all over; everything had dried out and needed watering again. It was a little bit frustrating, especially hearing 3 different bosses tell me that I need to water more, but I shouldn't complain. I have a job, I'm able to chat with the customers, and I get to work outside. AND you're going to be home in a little over a week! Life is good.

I don't find plants anywhere near as interesting as some of my coworkers, but there's one practice in the world of botany that is actually pretty cool. It's called grafting, and it involves frankensteining two plants together; you literally cut two trees in half, almost always of different families, and paste them together with a wax. What's neat is that not only will the trees survive, but they'll become something entirely different. They'll mature and take on properties of both of the trees used in the operation. That is just too neat. Imagine if you could do that with animals. Think of all the delicious foods you could make...grafting together the utter of a cow and a chicken, resulting in cheese that you might actually enjoy!! The possibilities make my mouth salivate. 

Oh! And look up Axel Erlandson for neat pics of tree grafting gone terribly right. Here's a pretty cool one:
Can you even imagine a treehouse made out of several trellises like this? John would be so jealous.

I love you, and will talk to you soon!

-The Mouse 

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