Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Horses and kindness and protectors

Good evening, my David!

I had entirely forgotten that it was my day to post, until you so kindly reminded me in that facebook message! Today we went to Jamestown, both the gallery and recreated settlement, and the historic original site. It was pretty cool. Yesterday we had taken a trip to Yorktown. You know how at recreated places, like Sturbridge Village for example, there are people who dress up in character and talk to you about the times? There was one man there who was old and a little loopy. He thought that me and John, and Steph and Cameron, were dating, and kept making awkward comments assuming this. For example, he started talking about ailments, and asked if Steph had had trouble with her memory lately. He asked if she could remember the name of her boyfriend. Then he asked Cameron if he could remember the name of his girlfriend, and when Cameron hesitated, unsure of what to say exactly, the man said something along the lines of "You only have one right? She's gonna be unhappy if you get her name wrong." He finally asked, probably because we were all giggling uncomfortably, whether we were dating or not, and we said we were all friends. However, John then said that both Steph and I were dating Cameron, and I don't know that the man knew what to make of that (John's sense of humor is subtle...sometimes). He asked what John was then, and John said, proudly, "I'm the Protector."

John brought up an interesting thing to think about today: We used to ride horses everywhere, and use them to pull wagons. Then we invented cars, which soon replaced horses and horse-drawn carriages. Now we have trailers which we attach to our cars to bring horses places. Just an interesting situational twist.

Watched the Glee finale yesterday. What a letdown. We also watched the final two episodes of HIMYM for this season, which was much better. YOU MUST WATCH THEM!!! Oh my goodness, you will be so excited with the finale.

You. Me. Hanging out two Mondays from now. Waking up early and all that. I didn't think I would miss you so much, but boy am I feeling it. I can't wait to see you in a week and a half!

I will read you tomorrow,

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