Monday, May 16, 2011

Cutting it close!

Hola Molly,

So, we just watched Trainspotting and now you're on your way home. Interesting movie, dunno if I'd watch it again. It was kinda rough at some parts, and not really an entertaining movie in the traditional sense. AND I feel like I got everything out of it that I could. BUT I'm very glad that we were able to watch it together :)

I'm WICKED impressed by your song/music video! Seeing what you were able to do in such a short amount of time, I'm hoping I'll have more of these to look forward to in the near future. Maybe I'll even make a music vid every once in a while, if I can find a way to record it.

Well, not a whole bunch going on right now. I had texted John earlier, and he was wondering if I still owned my ps3, because he had a crazy idea that may or may not work. I'm wondering if this means playing a certain game about hole making and british robots. Who knows, we'll have to see what tomorrow brings!

I'll talk to you manana! (There's supposed to a tilde in there somewhere)

-The Mouse

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