Monday, May 30, 2011

Pub and Ice Cream

Good Evening Moll Doll,

Today was a pretty cool day. This afternoon my family and I headed over to the Half Door pub, a place you and I have to stop by some time. It's a really typical pub; dark, wooden, and sticky. BUT the food was surprisingly good. I ordered a Philly Cheese Steak which was THE BOMB, which is saying something because it actually had (gasp) onions on it and I hate onions with the intensity of two suns. My dad ordered a strongbow, which was an alcoholic cider, and it tasted just like regular cider. I got a schneider hefe weisse (wheat beer) which might end up being one of my favs. 

After finishing up dinner, my mom took us out for ice cream at J. Fostsers! I hadn't been there in a while and forgot that they made their own ice cream, which is awesome by the way. I got a cupful of "Graham Central Station", which is...well, I'm not sure exactly what was in it other than graham cracker, but it was really rich and good. 

Now I'm home again and relaxing a little before I head off to bed. Tomorrow I bring my car in to get a new belt, and then depending on whether or not monadnock happens, I'll be hanging out with John hopefully flying kites. I miss you Gummy Bahre. Tomorrow it's only 6 days! Hope you're having a good time in Georgia, I expect interesting stories tomorrow!

-The Mouse

Friday, May 27, 2011

I got electrocuted!

Good evening, David!

I forgot to mention Wednesday that I had gotten electrocuted on Tuesday. We were playing Bang, and Molony killed me (as he is wont to do), and I got up and saw that John's charging cable had come apart. You know how those cables come in two parts, one that goes from the wall to the box, and one that goes from the box to the computer? Well, the first part had come detached from the box, so I thought I would be helpful and plug it in for him. I picked it up and immediately felt a shock going through me. At first I didn't even know what was happening, whether I was in pain, or where the unsettling nuisance was coming from. But then I instinctively yelped, "Ow!" and dropped the cable. It was actually only after it left my hand that I fully understood what had happened. I unplugged it, and Cameron picked it up to look at it and saw that the wires had been pulled from the end of it and were both exposed. Electrical engineer that he is, he informed us that if the two bare wires were to have touched, it would start a fire. He threw it away, and I nursed my burning thumb. It wasn't actually burnt, but it did sting. Molony asked, "The current went through your back?" because apparently when I picked it up, I bent backward and my hand went quickly and involuntarily to my back. Cameron explained that the current would've gone through me and to the floor, where I was grounded. It was all very quick and freaked me out at the time, but I felt pretty awesome afterward. Have you ever been electrocuted by a socket? It's the weirdest feeling; you don't necessarily feel pain, per se, at least not at the time, but you feel vibrations through your body that are very uncomfortable. Anyway, I'm alright now of course, and happy to tell the tale and add it to my list of Times I've Been Electrocuted.

I'm off to my cousin's house tomorrow, Marcia's Sunday, and finally Atlanta on Monday! Pray for me!

~The Princess~

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can't think up witty title, help!

Hey Hey Hey Molly Bean,

Pretty uneventful day today; went to work, it got really hot this afternoon, which brought back memories of the insane amount of watering I had to do last summer. Today I watered the entirety of bosco's but after finishing, a couple hours had passed and I had to start all over; everything had dried out and needed watering again. It was a little bit frustrating, especially hearing 3 different bosses tell me that I need to water more, but I shouldn't complain. I have a job, I'm able to chat with the customers, and I get to work outside. AND you're going to be home in a little over a week! Life is good.

I don't find plants anywhere near as interesting as some of my coworkers, but there's one practice in the world of botany that is actually pretty cool. It's called grafting, and it involves frankensteining two plants together; you literally cut two trees in half, almost always of different families, and paste them together with a wax. What's neat is that not only will the trees survive, but they'll become something entirely different. They'll mature and take on properties of both of the trees used in the operation. That is just too neat. Imagine if you could do that with animals. Think of all the delicious foods you could make...grafting together the utter of a cow and a chicken, resulting in cheese that you might actually enjoy!! The possibilities make my mouth salivate. 

Oh! And look up Axel Erlandson for neat pics of tree grafting gone terribly right. Here's a pretty cool one:
Can you even imagine a treehouse made out of several trellises like this? John would be so jealous.

I love you, and will talk to you soon!

-The Mouse 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Horses and kindness and protectors

Good evening, my David!

I had entirely forgotten that it was my day to post, until you so kindly reminded me in that facebook message! Today we went to Jamestown, both the gallery and recreated settlement, and the historic original site. It was pretty cool. Yesterday we had taken a trip to Yorktown. You know how at recreated places, like Sturbridge Village for example, there are people who dress up in character and talk to you about the times? There was one man there who was old and a little loopy. He thought that me and John, and Steph and Cameron, were dating, and kept making awkward comments assuming this. For example, he started talking about ailments, and asked if Steph had had trouble with her memory lately. He asked if she could remember the name of her boyfriend. Then he asked Cameron if he could remember the name of his girlfriend, and when Cameron hesitated, unsure of what to say exactly, the man said something along the lines of "You only have one right? She's gonna be unhappy if you get her name wrong." He finally asked, probably because we were all giggling uncomfortably, whether we were dating or not, and we said we were all friends. However, John then said that both Steph and I were dating Cameron, and I don't know that the man knew what to make of that (John's sense of humor is subtle...sometimes). He asked what John was then, and John said, proudly, "I'm the Protector."

John brought up an interesting thing to think about today: We used to ride horses everywhere, and use them to pull wagons. Then we invented cars, which soon replaced horses and horse-drawn carriages. Now we have trailers which we attach to our cars to bring horses places. Just an interesting situational twist.

Watched the Glee finale yesterday. What a letdown. We also watched the final two episodes of HIMYM for this season, which was much better. YOU MUST WATCH THEM!!! Oh my goodness, you will be so excited with the finale.

You. Me. Hanging out two Mondays from now. Waking up early and all that. I didn't think I would miss you so much, but boy am I feeling it. I can't wait to see you in a week and a half!

I will read you tomorrow,

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Foodbag you nincompoops!

Hullo Mawly,

Woke up this morning and brought my car in to Dayhill Motors (if you remember, I had to get the serpentine belt changed, which sounds like an item from World of Warcraft NOICE) and they told me a bit of good news. The belt apparently WASN'T cracked like the place at the center of town said, but it was just old and needed to get replaced sooner or later. SO, that will be our adventure for next tuesday, when they get the part in and are able to replace the old one.

After that, my day kinda stunk.

I won't go into too much detail at risk of embarrassing you in front of the internet, but I messed up a paint job on a model and had to toss the thing out. After that, I attempted to get in touch with my advisor but gave up after 10-odd phone calls. Then I got a little depwessed because of the complete lack of anything to do around here. SO, after dinner (and after my parents left for a church meeting) I thought I'd surprise the family by going out and picking up rootbeer and ice cream to make floats; I also really, really wanted to get out of the house. I stop by foodbag, (hmph) picked up the goods, and got home, only to find the ice cream was pretty much a solid block of ice with swirls of cream inside. It was pulling away from the edge of the container, that's how freezer burnt it was!

Le Sigh. It's getting warm around here and those floats would've been really dandy right about now. UGH I wish I was down there with you guys! I can at least find comfort in knowing that you're thoroughly enjoying yourself down there. :D

Tell John to get a good video of Molony's abs for me.
-El Raton

Monday, May 23, 2011

John and electronics

Hi David!

John has my camera and is videotaping me while I write this, which is really unsettling. It makes it difficult to function and I get all stuttery. It's my camera, so I don't have to worry about my awkwardness coming up on facebook or anything, but it's still weird to be captured on film against your will. It's especially disturbing because he just sits there, silently holding the camera, as I squirm to get out of his sight and stammer that he put the camera away. He doesn't speak a word. He just holds the camera steady. Unless he's trying to film Cameron's chest or legs (I don't know why he started doing that today, but now it's a thing). Cameron is clutching a pillow to his chest and is curled up on the chair. John is still filming. He's YOUR friend, make him STOP!!!

Today we went to Colonial Williamsburg. It was neat to walk around and see all the old buildings, like going back in time. Without a pass, however, you can't go into the buildings and see all the coolest stuff. [John is complimenting Cameron on his Herculean calves now.] We hung out at the pool in the afternoon [he's filming my feet now] which was pretty nice, because it was in the high 80s. [Now he's focused on Steph, so this is a nice change, and she's getting just as uncomfortable, mostly because we know he likes to use the zoom function to its full awkward extent.] We also played mini golf on the plantation [Molony just came in and gave John something else to film--John: "If Cameron's Hercules, you're like Loki." Steph: "Is Loki Hercules' side kick?"] but it was pretty...not the greatest thing ever. Although I did come in second place, only two points behind John.

I need to start editing some of the footage from today, because if John keeps this up, I'm going to have a lot of extra video to deal with. Oh boy, he just took the SD card out and is inserting it into his own laptop so he can save the file. Fabtabulous.

I'll read you tomorrow.
~The Princess~

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cigpatguy and BOB

Howdy Moll Doll,

Well, what a day we had! You're off to Virginia tomorrow, which is gonna be AWESOME despite my glaring absence. And after that, you're off to Georgia; that's TWO WEEKS. Two weeks without ME. I dunno how you're gonna survive. No clue how you're gonna cope, you're on your own this time.

Work today was hilarious, for two reasons:

1.) Cigpatguy showed up!!! Who happens to be my favorite customer ever. Btw, if for some crazy reason you don't know who Cigpatguy is, I'll lay it down for you. He's this excellent old man (GUY) with a bushy beard that comes to Bosco's once in a blue moon, ALWAYS wearing a baseball cap covered in American flags (PATriotic) and ALWAYS sporting a cigar (CIGar). He's so relaxed and friendly, I can't help but make not of whenever he shows up. As if that wasn't enough, my day's awesomeness was supplemented by...

2.) My boss, Bob. I had brought some pizza to work today (not all of it mind you, I had aluminum'd some for you but you'll have to bring that up with Zachman), and was chatting it up with Bob about how excited I was to have some little city for lunch. About an hour before lunch time, I see Bob eating a slice of what looks like our pizza from last night! Sure enough, it was chicken and basil. I called him on it, and he said it was some from little city that his son (also named Dave) had left in the fridge. Come lunch time, I run downstairs to check on my box, and it's EMPTY. I run upstairs and shout (we have a good relationship) "BOB YOU PIECE OF CRAP" and start yelling at him jokingly for eating my pizza. He looks at me and starts telling me how it couldn't have been, and we head down to the fridge. I show him the box, and he pulls out of his desk ANOTHER LITTLE CITY BOX FILLED WITH MY SLICE OF PIZZA. He bought a chicken and basil pizza for lunch after hearing about our toppings and pulled a good one on me. I was blown away, it was so funny, especially knowing the type of guy Bob is.

HOOF, alright, I am sleepy. I've got work in the morning, and you've got a LOOOOONNNGGG drive ahead of you. You'll have so much fun, I can't wait to see pictures/videos/blog posts. Good night my Molly! Read you tmo night, DON'T FORGET.

-The Mizzouse.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Are you Holly?"

Dear David,

Another morning of errands! But at least these are sort of fun, because they are in preparation for the VIRGINIA TRIP!!! Two more days--I'm leaving on Saturday, by 5:30 AM. Wicked early, but it'll be worth it. And then the following week, I'll be headed to Atlanta for RUF orientation. What an adventure I have ahead of me! Yes, our summer is getting chunked up in bits, and time seems to be flying by, but we will be okay. I agree, we should try to plan our remaining time so that we make good use of it. We still need to memorize 1 Cor. 13, for example! And beat 247 at Blue Fox (that's right, it was higher than 243). And I am also hoping we can finally play co-op in Portal 2! My fingers are crossed that this may be your secret plan for tonight, after our wonderful dinner. My guess is that the secret gift coming in the mail that will be useful to us both is actually a second PS3 controller. If that is correct, can I decorate it? Pweeeeease?

No call from you today, so I assume you do have to work after all, despite the recent downpour. Right now it isn't so bad out, though. I mean, it's pretty dim outside, but at least it's not raining anymore...for now.

A man in a janitor or mechanic uniform (you know what I mean, dark trousers, dark blue button up shirt with a name sewn on) just came up to me and asked, "Are you Holly?" I said, "Molly?" He said, "No, Holly." I said, "No, I'm Molly." He said sorry and then walked to the next table and asked an elderly lady if her name was Holly. I guess he's waiting to pick someone up or something. But he must have no idea whatsoever whom he's expecting. He said something like, "Maybe she's walking around outside," and now he's outside standing about on the sidewalk, looking out over the parking lot. I wonder what the story is there. Maybe he and Holly belong to a local church, and she needs a ride somewhere, and he volunteered, and was told to meet her at Starbucks. I'm assuming he's not looking for a mystery date, because I'm a little young, and the older lady is sitting with an elderly man already, although she isn't wearing a ring, so I guess she would be fair game. I'm thinking it must involve some sort of favor, because of his complete lack of an idea of what this Holly looks like. Maybe I am mistaken about hearing him say something about needing to give Holly a ride somewhere. Perhaps he's just meeting her here to give or receive something lost. One time, when walking back from powerlining, we found a ring of keys, with a name and number on them. We called the number (and by "we" I of course don't mean that I called the number), and the man they belonged to came to UConn to pick them up. Maybe this is a situation like that.

I'm so very curious! But I guess I will never know. These little mysteries make life so interesting. They remind me that everyone has a whole life hidden to me, a whole bunch of connections with other people, family, friends, a job, maybe they have a pet. What brings these different people to Starbucks? I'd like to just sit down with a random person and start a conversation, learn about their life. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), social norms keep me from being a nosy Nelly with complete strangers.

I will see you tonight, and read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tick Tock Tick Tock!

HHeelloo MMoollllyy,

What a night! Excellent food, excellent company, talk of prostate exams! What more could a birthday girl ask for? Maybe a SECOND BIRTHDAY DINNER? That's right, you, me, tomorrow night. It's on and it's gonna be excellent, so long as your tastebuds get back in working order. And afterwards we'll have an excellent evening doing something we both love! Ahhhh I can't wait.

Dunno if you've noticed, but it's been raining outside, like a lot. I'm hoping as hard as I can that I won't be needed at work tomorrow, because I really don't feel like lifting concrete again. My muscles need time to rest. AND we'd have plenty of time to hang out tomorrow if that happened. That'd be pretty neat. :D

So you're heading to Virginia Friday, and then when you get back you're off again for fundraising. The rest of our summer together seems to be chopped up into smaller and smaller remaining portions. We need to put our heads together and make use of this time we have left together. Like beating 243 at Blue Fox Run! Or convincing you that the milkshakes at Sunrise Deli are actually excellent (again, your tastebuds need to get better). OR something else that will become apparent in the very near future!

Whoot, I am rambling, and I am very tired. Goodnight my Molly, I will see you tomorrow (night?).

-The Mouse

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A love song to feet...ugh

Hello, Mouseboy!

So, my challenge is COMPLETE! I'm actually pretty proud of the end result. Having to accompany myself on guitar was difficult, but really fun, and I had a great time making the video. Fair warning, the verses are sorta flat, but that's because I didn't have a capo, so they were really low. But for all the difficulties I ran into, I think it turned out pretty okay. Excellent challenge! Enjoy the video!

Much love,
~The Princess~

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cutting it close!

Hola Molly,

So, we just watched Trainspotting and now you're on your way home. Interesting movie, dunno if I'd watch it again. It was kinda rough at some parts, and not really an entertaining movie in the traditional sense. AND I feel like I got everything out of it that I could. BUT I'm very glad that we were able to watch it together :)

I'm WICKED impressed by your song/music video! Seeing what you were able to do in such a short amount of time, I'm hoping I'll have more of these to look forward to in the near future. Maybe I'll even make a music vid every once in a while, if I can find a way to record it.

Well, not a whole bunch going on right now. I had texted John earlier, and he was wondering if I still owned my ps3, because he had a crazy idea that may or may not work. I'm wondering if this means playing a certain game about hole making and british robots. Who knows, we'll have to see what tomorrow brings!

I'll talk to you manana! (There's supposed to a tilde in there somewhere)

-The Mouse

Saturday, May 14, 2011

And so it goes...

Hello my David,

Blogger was read-only on Thursday, so you're getting away with not posting. And yesterday, my home computer gave out, and I can't get interwebz from home on my laptop, so I couldn't post. But now I sit in Starbucks, enjoying a frozen java chip frappacchino, and taking advantage of their free wifi, and I have decided to post all the same to make up for Friday.

I awoke at 7:30 this morning, took the dogs out, dressed, had quiet time, gathered a bunch of things together, etc., and headed out at 8:45 to Corporate Computer Salvage in East Granby, as you suggested. Although they are open from 9-3 on Saturdays, a sign in the door said "will return at 10:00," so I went to Starbucks and bided my time paying my auto insurance bill, transferring money to my credit account to pay for said auto insurance, checking my RUF e-mail, sending out an important facebook message, downloading required programs for my video camera software, and learning how to convert video files to a format Windows Movie Maker will allow. Then I headed back to CCS, where I am happy to report I received excellent, chipper service. The price is...a price...but at least they told me upfront what the cost was, and it's not too bad, and so I won't have any surprises. They'll even back up everything if they have to wipe and reinstall the OS. It takes 3-5 business days, and they are not open Sundays and Mondays, so the guy said I would get a call maybe on Thursday night. Which is unfortunate, but what can I do, right? I am praying for prompt service. Now I am back at Starbucks, to update this and my photo blog, and to look up some guitar chords for tunes I may want to use for my love song to feet. After this, I need to go get wrapping paper for Regan and Josh's gifts. And at 3 PM, they're getting MARRIED!!! How cool is that? I should also probably find something to eat at some point. This java chip frappe is great, but it probably won't last me very long. I may get lunch at Subway or something, grab a sub for my mom too. She'd probably enjoy that. In the meantime, waiting for the computer to fix, she'll probably either use Uncle Laurie's comp, or I could show her how to access wireless here on my laptop. Ho-hum. How late is Starbucks open, anyway?

I will read you on Monday,
~The Princess~

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Expect Greatness

Good evening, David!

Expecting a brutal consequence, I was extremely unsettled by the title of your last post. You know how much I dislike feet. Upon reading the challenge itself, however, I was actually relieved. I think it's interesting you're challenging me to write a song, given that I have been wanting to learn guitar. A poem about feet would be pretty simple for me, and I guess you knew that. A song, however, will be quite a challenge, but a fun and interesting challenge. Having to write about my love for feet makes the task quite uncomfortable and awkward, though, so you have succeeded in creating a very punishing consequence. Congratulations. I can't promise it will be the best song ever--and it certainly won't be the best accompanied song ever--but I am ready to rise to the challenge.

Tomorrow morning I will be heading to Monadnock for what must be about the tenth time. And then, weather permitting, I will be hiking the mountain Tuesday as well. I wish you would hurry up and conquer your fear of heights so you could see what it's like to stand atop the summit. It's beautiful up there. I've hiked Monadnock time and again because I love it so much, and the view from the summit is something I hope to share with you someday. Until then, photos will have to suffice.

I am so excited to have received a video camera for my birthday! Oh, the world of opportunity this opens. That reminds me, I'm way behind on my photo blog. I'm going to be posting double photos for much longer than I had originally thought. Ugh. I love the idea of the blog, and I want to stick with it, but it's so easy to forget, especially being at home, with no way to connect my laptop to the interwebs. Good thing I have your house to invade. I think I'm going to try to tap into the Gambles' wireless from Fraser's room. I hear rumor that it's possible.

I'm also reminded that I need to upload video from my camera onto my laptop, to clear the memory for tomorrow's hike! Or maybe not, because I got an 8 GB memory card, and I think I have somewhere in the ballpark of two hours of recording time left. My plan for tomorrow? 8 AM, waking up in the morning. Gotta be fresh, gotta go's Thursday, Thursday, gotta hike a mountain on Thursday...

Please give me a call on your break all the same, and if I don't pick up because I am out of range, leave a message!

I will read you tomorrow, my love!
~The Princess~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A foot by any other name would smell as sweet...


Molly Molly Molly.

You have made a mistake. And unfortunately this is not the type of mistake that you can afford to make and simply shrug off. Nope, this one has CONSEQUENCES. Like when you accidentally fart in a lecture hall or drop a newborn, even just once. CONSEQUENCES. Because you failed to post on the blog yesterday, your challenge will be as follows:

By next Tuesday, you must write a song praising feet, accompanied with a guitar part. It can be as simple as two chords played back and forth, but I expect 2 verses and a chorus. If you'd like, yo may request my help with chord structure, but not with lyrics. Extra credit will be given if a video is made.

Right now, you're playing Portal 2, and struggling just a little bit. I'll give you a hint: You have to catapult yourself through the ring that's suspended in the air! Easy! I'm sure you'll get it in a few moments anyways. Good luck!

-The Mouse

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pomp and Ciphers

Wow, that really was a profound, awful, terrible that you revealed there. I can't believe you kept this from me. If you had told me Adam Young was your brother, I wouldn't have put you through such a painful challenge. My apologies.

Upside-down? Oh please. Don't mess with me, man, or I will throw a Vigenere cipher your way, or worse. You're gonna have to buy a freaking Turing machine when I get started. You're writing to the queen of codes here, and I'm serious about my ciphers, crazy about my cryptology.

In other news, I took my last exam this morning, and now I am FREE! It feels good, but I also feel stressed out knowing time is ticking away and I am coming to the end of my college career. I'm excited to graduate, but not excited about graduation. You know I've never been one for pomp and ceremony, and such events leave me feeling fiercely forlorn. I think it's because I don't feel like it's a big deal, when others clearly seem to believe quite the contrary, and so I feel like I am missing out on some sort of customary jubilation or something. Perhaps I am envious of the celebratory spirit others seem to have over this event, and thus I get really irritable. I can think of a dozen things I'd rather be doing than donning that cap and gown and walking down the aisle to shake some stranger's hand. It's kind of silly, really. But such is life. Thank goodness this isn't the only life we have.

I hope to see you Sunday night, though! Can you believe it's been a whole year? I can't exactly say that time  flew by, and in fact, it seems like it's been much longer, but it's still an impressive benchmark. And that, I am excited to celebrate.

I will read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

¡¡ʎɯɯnp sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ ʇ,uɐɔ noʎ

ǝsnoɯ ǝɥʇ-

˙ǝʌol ʎɯ ʇɥƃıu pooƃ ˙dǝǝls pǝǝu ı 'pɐɯ ɯ,ı 'ɥƃn

˙ʇı ʇnoqɐ ƃuıʞuıɥʇ ʇsnɾ sʇıɹƃ ʎɯ slıoq ʇı ˙sdnɔ ʇınɹɟ ʎʇıɔ lʍo puɐ sʇɹıɥs-ʇ ʎluo 'sǝıʇlɐʎoɹ ʎuɐ ǝɯ puǝs oʇ ʇǝʎ sɐɥ ǝɥ 'ʇı ʍouʞ noʎ ʇ,uplnoʍ puɐ ˙ƃuıɥʇou ǝq plnoʍ ǝɥ ʇnduı ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇıʍ ˙ƃuos ʎɯ sɐʍ ƃuos ʇɐɥʇ ˙,,sǝılɟǝɹıɟ,, oʇ pǝƃuɐɥɔ ʎllɐnʇuǝʌǝ ǝɥ 'uoıʇsǝƃƃns ʎɯ ɥʇıʍ ɥɔıɥʍ ',,sǝıd ǝnƃuıɹǝɯ uoɯǝl,, ʎpolǝɯ ǝɥʇ ǝʇoɹʍ ǝɥ 'ʞɹoʍʇǝɹɟ ʎɯ ɥʇıʍ punoɹɐ ƃuılqɯnɟ llıʇs sɐʍ ı ǝlıɥʍ puɐ 'ǝpɐɹƃ ɥʇ9 uı pıp ı ɹǝʇɟɐ ƃuol ʇou ɹɐʇınƃ ɐ dn pǝʞɔıd ǝɥ ˙ɹǝɥʇoɹq ɹǝplo ʎɯ ʎllɐnʇɔɐ sı ʎʇıɔ lʍo ɯoɹɟ ƃunoʎ ɯɐpɐ

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'ʎlloɯ ollǝɥ

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Bid thee fare Well!

Sorry, David,

I know this is probably going to ruin your joy when you see I have posted. I was torn between giving in and letting you challenge me, and typing quick to post for the day. I figured if you found out I had 13 minutes and gave up when I could've posted, you would be disappointed though, so I am going to try to get this up in time. Don't worry, you will catch me eventually, I'm sure! Look how close you were today!

Tonight Joey took the RUF seniors out to Bidwell Tavern for drinks and wings and nachos. Scott pointed out, because Joey won't be the RUF minister anymore, he can drink with us! I personally thought that was kind of hilarious. Everyone had a beer, and we split a bunch of wings that were Green Mountain, Mexican Spice, and Honey BBQ flavored. They were good, but they were no Wings Over Storrs. Speaking of which--GARLIC PARMAGEDDON IS TOMORROW! I'm pretty psyched. I wish you could be there! I hope your car is doing well. I miss you already!

Also, just to tease you with how close I was to missing my post: We left Bidwell at 10:50, missed a couple turns, finally got to campus at 11:25, drove around a while looking for a parking spot, and eventually had to park up near Hilltop, behind Novello, Hobbes' dorm, and walk back. So it's pretty much down to the wire. Also, I had to upload that photo. I do this out of devotion: to you, to the blog, and to...being awesome. Yeah.

I love you, and I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Monday, May 2, 2011

noun \'pa-sij\: A way of exit or entrance

Hullo Molly,

Because I'm such an excellent, super, spectacular, handsome boyfriend, I've decided to post tonight instead of just reposting Saturday's. However because it is late and I just ate a hot pocket it will be a short post. John and I drove home and stopped by target(s) and grabbed some motor oil then high tailed it home. We pulled into John's rented spot at the church and spotted a fox! Well, I did, I don't think John was able to catch it. Along the way home we had a long talk about video games; the state of the industry, how we expect games to be "fun" instead of emotionally or mentally provoking. Which led us to talk about...


An interesting little game that's much more about making a statement than being a source of entertainment in the typical sense for games (though it is entertaining). I really suggest you play it. I'm not going to say anything about it, I want to hear what conclusions you draw from it. It's short; every time you play it the game lasts only five minutes. But there are a number of different ways to play. I wonder if you'll be intrigued, or bored. Either way, I want to hear your opinion of it.

WELL, I'm going to bed, it's getting late, and I've got a car to fix early in the morning. Goodnight, I love you so much! I will talk to you tomorrow!