Tuesday, September 6, 2011


David...really? You're gonna play the Holiday card to get out of posting on Labor Day? That's pretty lame, my friend. I don't know what I think about that...but I'll let it slide. This time.

In other news: congratulations on getting into the class you needed! Rah rah rah! I'm so happy for you! See, the loan people aren't so terrible after all. In fact, if we have a daughter, I think we should name her Sallie Mae. Isn't that pretty?

Yes, I am being facetious.

Whew! Interning is a full time job! Today I worked from 9AM to 10PM with only an hour break for dinner. Yes, that's 12 hours. I can haz sleep now? Tomorrow I'm helping Kevin stuff envelopes with his support letters, then I have a one-on-one at 12:30, and then I'm meeting with John Stone, my area coordinator (dun dun DUN!!!) at 2. And my freshman girls' small group meets at 8, and I still have a little more to prepare for that. Thursday, however...Thursday will be nice. I think Thursday will be my resting day, although I do have a one-on-one scheduled, but it's just one...so far, at least.

I've been super tired recently. I don't think it's because I'm always rushing here and there, and it's not due to lack of sleep. I thought about it today and was like, "But I've been getting like nine or ten hours of sleep each--oh..." Yeah, I think the problem is I've been sleeping TOO MUCH. And that leads to a cycle, because 10 PM comes around and I'm ready to hit the sack, and then I wake up at 8. I'm pretty sure I've past the point where I can continue blaming it on the time zone difference, so tonight I'm going to finish posting, and then FORCE MYSELF to watch an episode of Dr. Who. I know, strenuous, right?Anyway, that should take me to just before midnight, and I have my alarm set for 7:30AM. I function best on seven and a half hours of sleep. So we will see...

I miss you so much. I cannot WAIT until you are able to come visit.

~Your Princess~


  1. John Stone did the winter retreat! I know him! : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey did you ever finish Dexter? If not, you shouldn't be watching Dr. Who! : P
