Friday, September 16, 2011

Adventure time!

Dear David,

I. Have found. A friend. I just had such a fun evening with one of the girls I met at the RUF house show Thursday night. We traveled downtown and walked down the streets of Nashville, past about a million karaoke bars, trying to decide which bar to go to. And then, we saw it. An ice cream bar. We were in pretty much simultaneous agreement that we HAD to stop, and we both got ice cream sodas. Then we continued our stroll, and decided on a bar where a band--not a karaoke machine--was playing. It was called the Second Fiddle, and we sat there a while listening to the music and sipping our mixed drinks. Afterward we very intentionally wandered to a "fancy beer bar" called the Flying Saucer, admiring the many old buildings and magnificent churches lining the streets of the city. I got a Strongbow--thank you for introducing me to that most wonderful cider. We sat and talked about life in Nashville so far, and she mentioned "The Dragon," and stood in enthusiastic shock when I told her I had no idea what that was. "We're going there next!" she declared. The Dragon is a gigantic tiled masterpiece in a little park near Venderbilt, covered in a colorful mosaic. It was pretty amazing and beautiful, and the lamp lights in the dark park gave it an all the more magnificent effect. I just got home. What a great adventure!

Tomorrow is Thrift Store Saturday, the trip I organized for the RUF girls. I am so excited! I love thrift stores! And Saturday night is Belmont's Christian Showcase, which as far as I understand is some kind of American Idol like thing for aspiring artists. It's a big event at the university, so I'm pretty pumped. They spent all day today, and will spend all day tomorrow, preparing for it.

Good night, my love! I will read you on Monday!
~The Princess~

1 comment:

  1. That sounds amazing! Nashville sounds like an awesome city.
