Thursday, September 29, 2011

Orange you glad I'm making you eat a durian?

Hullo Molly,

I have a new obsession. Gritty crime dramas, one in particular actually. Law and Order:SVU. It's pretty brutal, and most likely not a show that you'd want to watch, but there's something really powerful about the characters, especially the two lead detectives benson and stabler, having to deal with all these atrocities on daily basis. What really grasps you about doctor who?

Oh, right, what did I do today. I worked. It rained. The world keeps turning. I tried a dogwood fruit today. Not sure if you know what a dogwood fruit looks like, but if you can picture the pokemon koffing dyed red, you're not too far off. We were trying to think of all the fruits at work we had yet to try, and sure enough dogwood was the last one, which wound up being fine by me because after I took a bite I was done. The inside of the fruit was kind of stringy....hard to describe. Almost like chewing on polly-o string cheese. The flavor was like a really, really over-ripe peach; kind of sweet, kind of bitter. This was all initially spurred on by Jess bringing in some home-made hot sauce, made from some ornamental peppers that we were selling at work. It was mighty tasty with some pretzels. Mmmmm... All this talk about food is making me crave durian...


What's that? You've NEVER tried a durian?!

We will have to rectify this! The durian is grown in southeast asia, and is said to have a flavor similar to "...almonds, rotten onions, turpentine and gym socks". It, too, has a consistency similar to string cheese, actually more like a warm, stringy mozzarella found on a pizza. The fruit has been banned in many public places in asia because of just how smelly it is. Even still, there's a large portion of the population that loves it. And I think we should try it. See if there are any asian markets down in nashville! I'm sure you could find one that we could split when I head on down to visit. I'll bring the smelling salts in case one of us passes out from the noxious fumes.

Alrighty, well I'm going to see if I can finish up the second chapter in PABIG, and then it's sleeptime, and then I'll start the process all over again! My trip down to see you can't come soon enough. I miss you.


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