Thursday, September 29, 2011

Orange you glad I'm making you eat a durian?

Hullo Molly,

I have a new obsession. Gritty crime dramas, one in particular actually. Law and Order:SVU. It's pretty brutal, and most likely not a show that you'd want to watch, but there's something really powerful about the characters, especially the two lead detectives benson and stabler, having to deal with all these atrocities on daily basis. What really grasps you about doctor who?

Oh, right, what did I do today. I worked. It rained. The world keeps turning. I tried a dogwood fruit today. Not sure if you know what a dogwood fruit looks like, but if you can picture the pokemon koffing dyed red, you're not too far off. We were trying to think of all the fruits at work we had yet to try, and sure enough dogwood was the last one, which wound up being fine by me because after I took a bite I was done. The inside of the fruit was kind of stringy....hard to describe. Almost like chewing on polly-o string cheese. The flavor was like a really, really over-ripe peach; kind of sweet, kind of bitter. This was all initially spurred on by Jess bringing in some home-made hot sauce, made from some ornamental peppers that we were selling at work. It was mighty tasty with some pretzels. Mmmmm... All this talk about food is making me crave durian...


What's that? You've NEVER tried a durian?!

We will have to rectify this! The durian is grown in southeast asia, and is said to have a flavor similar to "...almonds, rotten onions, turpentine and gym socks". It, too, has a consistency similar to string cheese, actually more like a warm, stringy mozzarella found on a pizza. The fruit has been banned in many public places in asia because of just how smelly it is. Even still, there's a large portion of the population that loves it. And I think we should try it. See if there are any asian markets down in nashville! I'm sure you could find one that we could split when I head on down to visit. I'll bring the smelling salts in case one of us passes out from the noxious fumes.

Alrighty, well I'm going to see if I can finish up the second chapter in PABIG, and then it's sleeptime, and then I'll start the process all over again! My trip down to see you can't come soon enough. I miss you.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Forever single

Hello David!

The thing about Events and Adventures is, the commercials stress meeting new friends, not finding a date. It first asks about do you want to hang out, but all your friends are married? Well we can help! I don't think it IS supposed to be a dating thing. PLUS (and I just thought of this and am rather proud of it) if the purpose were dating, and they were using "single" in a broad sense, then as soon as two people became an item, they would be kicked out of the group! A-ha! See? Incentive to not go to the group looking for a date! But anyway, if I DO find another boyfriend, I'll be sure to warn him that you're gonna bring the smack down on him. Or whatever.

Your girlfriend is a total dork. A very conscientious, organized dork, but a dork nonetheless. As you know, I am planning on watching some episodes of Marble Hornets with one of my freshman girls. After small group tonight, I asked when might be a good time that we could plan for, and as she started to answer [sidenote: it sounds like the TARDIS is landing outside my window. No joke, I actually looked to make sure that couldn't be true, because I am NOT missing out on an opportunity like that] I pulled out my little scheduler to write something down. She sees the little black binder and says, "You are NOT writing Marble Hornets in your scheduler." I was like "Whyyy? I write EVERYTHING in my scheduler! I even have 'David arrives' in my scheduler." She graciously conceded, "If it's like, therapeutic for you, then I GUESS you can..." In the end, I didn't write it down, but we didn't pick an exact date anyway. We just decided that we will watch it on a Thursday night. I'll probably write myself a note to remember that. What she doesn't know can't appall her.

David, I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hello Molly,

How was your day? I just realized that I have to post tonight oh crap oh crap. Here it goes. I cleaned up my room today. Like, legit. It looks nice. And now I have a comforter on my bed! Awesome. I was stripping the sheets on my bed earlier today and found a large, squished spider. I had slept on a spider. I freaked out for a second and then peeled it off of my sheets. I've since found several other large-ish spiders dwelling under my bed and behind my dresser. They actually looked a lot like this guy...
Gross. Also, I'm preeeeety sure if they say deliberately that it's for singles, they mean people looking for that special someone. So careful; if I find out you have another boyfriend down there, it's gonna be really awkward when I have to swoop in and kick his butt. I'm hungry, I gotta get something to eat before I hit the sack. Goodnight! I'll talk to you tomorrow.-David

Monday, September 26, 2011

Never give up, never surrender!

Hello David!

I'm making a quick post before I head off to girls small group. I just finished eating dinner--pepper steak and rice, followed by a brownie warmed in the microwave and topped with Hershey's syrup and whipped cream--while watching the season premier episodes of HIMYM. It's a pretty good day. I got through a LOT of reading, and that in NEXT MONTH'S book for the study program, so I'm ahead of the game. I also went for a walk with Benny, my roommate's mom's dog whom we are watching for a week. I got to go explore a trail I had wanted to check out for a while. I think maybe he has asthma, because toward the end on the way back he started wheezing, so I carried him the rest of the way. Yeah, not only did I get some cardio, I got some STRENGTH TRAINING as well. Okay, so the dog is a little white fluff ball, but STILL.

Tomorrow I have a staff meeting, two one-on-one coffee dates, and a one-on-one trip to a thrift store. It will be fun. And then tomorrow night is large group, and this Friday will be the RUF camping trip!

I just signed up online for this thing I heard about on the radio called Events and Adventures, which basically is a company that schedules lots of events, and you can go to them and meet new people. They have a location in Nashville. I thought, hey, this could be a neat way to meet some new friends. So I signed up, and am now super apprehensive because the follow-up screen said they would call shortly. I think my plan is to let it go to voicemail. I'm anxious just thinking about the phone ringing. Here's a little catch though: the site is for "single" people. But it doesn't SEEM like the events have to be for people looking for that special someone. I mean, I've already got a super-special-someone, I just want to make friends. I'm fairly certain that they are using the word single to mean "not married," in which case maybe they will let me join. I dunno. But I thought all this might be good to tell you about...


I love you, and I better read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We suck at this

Dear David,

We keep dropping the ball with this blog. We need to step up our game!

Saturday night I am having a fancy dress-up dinner for some freshman girls at my apartment. We're going to dress to the nines and eat delicious food and have a blast and it will be great. Saturday morning I may actually go biking finally! I just need to pump up my tires and maybe ride around the condo complex a bit to make sure everything is ship-shape. Bike-shape? Schwinn-shape?? Unfortunately it's not a schwinn, so I can't say that. But anyway, you get the idea.

How long do orchid blooms last? The flowers I have have yet to wilt! A couple of them are getting a little bit ragged, but for the most part, they still look quite lovely. I'm so tempted to go get more but I don't know what I would do with bunches of orchids, besides just sit and look at them and keep their leaves from getting dusty. Flowers are so colorful and cheery. Everytime I go to the grocery store, the first thing I see when I walk in is a huge display of bright, happy flowers, and I'm always so tempted to pick up a bouquet or two or another potted plant. The only reason I stop myself is because I realize I could run out of money very quickly giving in to such desires. BUT THEY ARE SO PRETTY!!! Oh goodness, I am such a girl.

I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sicky sick sick

Buenos Noches Moll Doll (or should I say Moy Doy...)

Being sick stinks, as I'm sure you know. I spent a good chunk of the day sleeping. Got up, had some muffins that my mom baked, lemon and blueberry yum. Shortly afterwards I filled out another app for Uconn. Then I had dinner a little bit later; we ate red beans and rice, a personal fav. My dad cooked the ham hocks just right so that there was little to no actual pig toe in the beans! I then went to bed, woke up just a little bit ago, and probably gonna hit the sack in a little bit.

I miss you so so much. I miss my best friend :( Tomorrow I think I'll see if maybe John is up for hanging out. I have some homework to finish, but that shouldn't take long at all. Mmmmmmm goodnight. Say a prayer that I get over this cold/whatever it is. I got a bad headache and stuffed sinuses.

I love you!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Adventure time!

Dear David,

I. Have found. A friend. I just had such a fun evening with one of the girls I met at the RUF house show Thursday night. We traveled downtown and walked down the streets of Nashville, past about a million karaoke bars, trying to decide which bar to go to. And then, we saw it. An ice cream bar. We were in pretty much simultaneous agreement that we HAD to stop, and we both got ice cream sodas. Then we continued our stroll, and decided on a bar where a band--not a karaoke machine--was playing. It was called the Second Fiddle, and we sat there a while listening to the music and sipping our mixed drinks. Afterward we very intentionally wandered to a "fancy beer bar" called the Flying Saucer, admiring the many old buildings and magnificent churches lining the streets of the city. I got a Strongbow--thank you for introducing me to that most wonderful cider. We sat and talked about life in Nashville so far, and she mentioned "The Dragon," and stood in enthusiastic shock when I told her I had no idea what that was. "We're going there next!" she declared. The Dragon is a gigantic tiled masterpiece in a little park near Venderbilt, covered in a colorful mosaic. It was pretty amazing and beautiful, and the lamp lights in the dark park gave it an all the more magnificent effect. I just got home. What a great adventure!

Tomorrow is Thrift Store Saturday, the trip I organized for the RUF girls. I am so excited! I love thrift stores! And Saturday night is Belmont's Christian Showcase, which as far as I understand is some kind of American Idol like thing for aspiring artists. It's a big event at the university, so I'm pretty pumped. They spent all day today, and will spend all day tomorrow, preparing for it.

Good night, my love! I will read you on Monday!
~The Princess~

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cop Out


I didn't know if I was gonna make it. I completely forgot I had to post tonight. What to post, what to post...

UGH, there's nothing going on in my life. I miss you. Here's what I'm going to do:


^That's a placeholder. If i can think of ANYTHING interesting, anything at all, I will post it there.

Disappointing, yes. But there's really nothing to post. I love you. Goodnight.

-The Mouse

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And the thunder rolls...

Hello my wonderful David!

Lightning crackles outside my window; thunder shakes my room. My just-add-ice orchid sits staring out the window, as if transfixed, while one solitary bloom turns its head to look at me, with its dragon-like mouth agape, as if screaming a warning. The effect is quite eerie. But I do love thunder storms.

Have you ever heard of Egyptian revival? It's a style of architecture and decoration, just like how we have Greek and Roman revival. I went to a church the other night that had a sanctuary decked out like an Egyptian temple. It was the strangest sanctuary you've ever seen. The walls were tan with red and green and orange geometric designs. Tall pillars stood at the front of the room, with elaborate designs. The stained-glass windows depicted scenes of palm trees and the sun and reeds.At the front of the sanctuary was a gigantic pipe organ, stretching all the way to the ceiling, with the wings of a bird adorning the top. The carpet was blood red. It was built in 1849-50. You don't see too many buildings with such a unique design, and I could hardly believe it was a church. Tell you what, though, I would LOVE to sit in there and be read the story of Moses. Oh my goodness, what a setting!

You didn't post last night, but I GUESS the fact that you were with your BFFL in the Emergency Room is a good enough excuse. So I'll let it slide...this time.

Mouseboy, I better read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Monday, September 12, 2011

Remember the Alamo!...and, that I need to post tonight...

Hello my David!

I will admit, I almost forgot to post. What a shame that would be! I might be issued a challenge that I could then put off for weeks and weeks past the original time it was assigned. Oh boy, just think of all the time that wouldn't take up! Imagine how many other things I could do instead of actually accomplishing what I committed to doing back in April!

I hope your sarcasm detectors are going off right about now. I also realize that guilt is a sucky and often useless motivator, but yeah, I'm a little bit disappointed and irked by your lack of follow-through. Tsk tsk.

I've got some more indie bands to run by you (collected from my students):
Faded Paper Figures
Passion Pit
Miike Snow (yes, that's Mike with two i's)

I just got back from girls' small group. There were 22 girls there. Holy crap. We decided to study 1 John, which is cool, because I was in a small group on John's epistles this past spring, and also a bit disappointing, because I was in a small group on John's epistles this past spring. But there is tea and cookies and a Tim Keller study guide, so all is well.

I'm lonely. So to combat my loneliness, I'm going to write lots of letters, in the hopes of making people happy and maybe getting some back. Oh, speaking of letters, I filled out a change of address form today with the USPS. Stupid postal service, not giving me my mail. Marcia sent me a letter and it got returned to sender, very likely because the post office doesn't like to ASK and see if just MAYBE the addressee does indeed live at the location written on the envelope. Can you tell I'm a little upset? This isn't the first time I've dealt with that problem; once I sent a letter to Chris, but I addressed it to Jim Darkmagic, and it got returned. I was pretty mad, and I wrote in big letters on the next one:

Christopher Caporaso
a.k.a. Jim Darkmagic
Maybe you should ASK before assuming who does and does not live at said address.

Wow, this is a really snippy post. Sorry about that. I'm going to watch an episode of Doctor Who and then be off to bed. I've taken to setting my watch across the room so that when the alarm goes off in the morning, I have to get out of bed to shut it off. It's a rather brilliant idea, I think, and it works really well, although I cursed my cleverness this morning when I realized there was no longer a snooze button conveniently located on my wrist. But I was happy to have more hours of the day spent being productive. Or at least conscious.

I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Friday, September 9, 2011

Every cloud that should have passed overhead two weeks ago has a silver lining


Somebody forgot to post. For shame... I worked so hard to post on wednesday, pretty much prying my eyelids open just to stay awake. And for what? Only to have YOU, my GIRLFRIEND, FORGET to POST. If you read only the caps in the last sentence it sounds like you're dating a caveman.

Anyhoo, I FINALLY got into my class! I'm IN. And get this, all missed work counts as partial credit for up to two weeks after the due date, though honestly I'm going to send an email to my instructor and explain the situation and see if there's anything I can do about that. Had everything gone swimmingly, I would've been signed up on time but dumb sallie mae has to go and live up to their reputation and completely drop the ball. Sigh.

I think I'll read the 2nd chapter  of PABIG tonight, seeing as you're out at Sacred Harp. Maybe we'll chat later on tonight; I'm anxious to hear if you conducted (I know, I know, but I can hope right?)

Love you darlin

Nezumi Kozo (look it up)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Your boyfriend is boring today.

IT NEVER ENDS. Still haven't been accepted into the class. Dunno what's going wrong, something on sallie mae's part I assume...

My day was ordinary.

UGH, I stopped typing about 20 minutes ago because I couldn't think of anything to type! We had chicken and dumplings for dinner, which was excellent. My mom made two different types; one made from bisquick and another from homemade dough. The homemade batch was like strips of noodles, which was awesome. The bisquick batch was a bread milkshake, which you'd think would be right up my alley, but no.

Hanging out with John was fun. Molony, Ali and Joey Pinola were also there. We played scrabble, watched some tv, ate some dinner and walked around the drive in behind their apartment. I never got to use my favorite scrabble word, saloop. Look it up.

Bed soon. My days are merging together again, which is not good. I have to find some way to break the monotony. Hmph. This isn't a real exciting post. Well...I guess not every post is going to be exciting, though mine as of late have been really humdrum. I miss you. I wish you were here. I'm gonna go to bed :P

Your Mouse (in need of some excitement)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


David...really? You're gonna play the Holiday card to get out of posting on Labor Day? That's pretty lame, my friend. I don't know what I think about that...but I'll let it slide. This time.

In other news: congratulations on getting into the class you needed! Rah rah rah! I'm so happy for you! See, the loan people aren't so terrible after all. In fact, if we have a daughter, I think we should name her Sallie Mae. Isn't that pretty?

Yes, I am being facetious.

Whew! Interning is a full time job! Today I worked from 9AM to 10PM with only an hour break for dinner. Yes, that's 12 hours. I can haz sleep now? Tomorrow I'm helping Kevin stuff envelopes with his support letters, then I have a one-on-one at 12:30, and then I'm meeting with John Stone, my area coordinator (dun dun DUN!!!) at 2. And my freshman girls' small group meets at 8, and I still have a little more to prepare for that. Thursday, however...Thursday will be nice. I think Thursday will be my resting day, although I do have a one-on-one scheduled, but it's just far, at least.

I've been super tired recently. I don't think it's because I'm always rushing here and there, and it's not due to lack of sleep. I thought about it today and was like, "But I've been getting like nine or ten hours of sleep each--oh..." Yeah, I think the problem is I've been sleeping TOO MUCH. And that leads to a cycle, because 10 PM comes around and I'm ready to hit the sack, and then I wake up at 8. I'm pretty sure I've past the point where I can continue blaming it on the time zone difference, so tonight I'm going to finish posting, and then FORCE MYSELF to watch an episode of Dr. Who. I know, strenuous, right?Anyway, that should take me to just before midnight, and I have my alarm set for 7:30AM. I function best on seven and a half hours of sleep. So we will see...

I miss you so much. I cannot WAIT until you are able to come visit.

~Your Princess~

Friday, September 2, 2011


Hello David!

I've never seen Risky Business, so I don't know what you're talking about, but...and I hesitate to say this...knock yourself out? I may regret allowing that costume choice.

So, according to the official count of posted posts on the right side of the blog, this post is number 94, but the dashboard number says it is 102. Maybe we double posted, and deleted one, or something like that? Or maybe it's a crazy time zone discrepancy thing. Or maybe there are 8 ghost posts floating around our blog somewhere. That would be terrifying.

Speaking of terrifying--when I don't get to go on long anticipated clue hunts, I get ANGRY. And you don't wanna see me angry! It's not a pretty sight. You gotta getcha-getcha-getcha head in the game!

I have yet to adjust to the central time zone here. Either that, or I've just adjusted to a different schedule of early to bed, early to rise, which isn't such a terrible thing if I have nothing to stay up late for. It didn't work so well Tuesday night after large group, however, when everyone was hanging out at the Sonic, and I turned in early. And I don't anticipate movie nights going too swimmingly in that case either. We shall see.

I'm gonna shower and go to bed! The girls are hiking around Radnor lake in the morning, I have a one-on-one late afternoon, and then perhaps a trip to Centennial Park in the evening for some free music, and to see the Parthenon replica they have there--crazy stuff, man.

~The Princess~

Thursday, September 1, 2011

So I'm just doing my thang, walking across the rails-to-trails behind Bosco's when a police officer on a bike rode by and informed me of a bear on the trails. I didn't think much of it at the time, but no more than 5 minutes later A BEAR WAS WALKING THROUGH THE ARBORVITES!!! On all fours, it must have been around 5 feet tall, standing on its hind, it would've been huge. Funniest part was after everyone rushed out to see it in the field, it wandered back into the rails to trails, and riding towards it was a guy on a bike, who soon realized just what exactly that big black furry thing on the road was, and promptly picked up his bike, turned it around and sped off like a madman. What fun!

Oh yeah, other than that my day was boring. I went out to dinner with the rents to chili's where we got this really socially awkward waiter who made the same joke a bunch of times. ("Chicken Crispers? We're all out. A clean knife? We're all out.") Food was good though, and afterwards we stopped by the dollar store and I got a sweet new pair of sunglasses for a dollar at the dollar store. They were wayfarers, which made me think I should be tom cruise from risky business for Halloween. Yes? No?

I love you, Goodnight!
