Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BOOYAH 100!!!

And to think: I was about to take a shower and go to bed and forget to post tonight! I'm so glad I remembered! I knew this day was coming, and I'm just so glad that this momentous occasion happens to be on one of my posting days. Let's just take a moment and reflect on the past almost-five months, and bask in the glory that is...


Oh no. I just realized, this needs to be good. This is an important moment. This post needs to be memorable. I can't waste this great opportunity. Oh, the pressure! I don't think I can handle it. The cursor is blinking and all I can do is babble on anxiously, hoping in vain for inspiration to arise or fount or explode, or whatever verb is usually associated with the appearance of inspiration. I can't take it anymore! C'mon, Molly, THINK! Write something!

Dear David,

I'm going to bed now.

~Your Princess~

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