Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Southward bound!

4 days! 4 days until you head on down to Tennessee. I'm not gonna say any more on it...here's my opinion on those bands

Árstíðr- Not really my thing...good try 
Throw Me The Statue - Have actually heard of a song of theirs before but didn't like it.
Rolla Olak - I like it! A little bit jam bandy, but not too much so that it turns into an unfocused mess. B
Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love - What were they thinking. This is an awful band name. It's so pretentious that I almost dislike the music. Almost. It's not bad, but nothing I haven't heard before, just some more downer folk. C-
The Chairs - Huh. Kinda like fleet foxes and some indie pop stuff. It's aight

I am very surprised. I thought I would outright dislike everything you threw at me, but here I am digging songs by a couple of these artists and actually doing more research on Rolla Olak. Mission excellently accomplished girlfriend! :D

In other news, I am very much looking forward to my challenge! This will be a little tough but a whole lotta fun. I've already got a couple sites in mind that have ample choice words and pictures that'll be great for this type of thing. I'm super cited. 

Goodnight Molly! I love you and will talk to you tomorrow.

-The Mouse

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