Tuesday, August 30, 2011

To-Do List and Axe Bird!

Hm, ok. So this is what I have to get done:

1.) CLUE HUNT. I just realized something yesterday that will make this much more difficult, and that is that there are only so many sites at which I can manipulate the words and pictures freely and quickly. So it's taking some time...
2.) COMPILE THAT DANG VIDEO! Well, it's not a dang video, it's one you'll enjoy, I just have to get off of my butt and get to work on recording the last of it!
4.) Read more in "Putting the amazing back in grace". More of a personal goal, but I'm sure you'd appreciate me doing it just the same :P
5.)Remember to throw a number 3 in there.

Ok! I'm off to bed, I love you and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Also, ENTERTAINMENT:http://www.todaysbigthing.com/2011/08/29

I'm gonna teach our pet banana slug to do that when we get an apartment together.

Your Mouse

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