Monday, August 29, 2011

How convenient

Hello there, David!

Well, well, well. You ask for a couple days' grace on your clue hunt, and promise it will be up by Sunday night, and CONVENIENTLY hurricane Irene rolls through town, taking out your power and cutting you off from the interwebz. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. I expect a clue hunt tomorrow!

This week is going to be even busier than the last. The campus ministry fair was today. Tomorrow I have 4 one-on-ones scheduled, and large group meets tomorrow night. Wednesday is the activities fair, and that night my freshman girls' small group begins (we're studying Galatians). Thursday my book reports are due. Whew! But I like keeping busy. I go crazy when I have too much down time.

I was in Bongo Java today reading for the study program, and I once again came across a mention of "God's covenant promises to the children of believers." I'm not sure I fully understand what is meant by that, but I think it's basically a covenant passed down through generations. The Hebrews had circumcision to set them apart; we have baptism. Baptism is a sign and a seal, and just as babies were circumcised under God's covenant, so also are babies now baptized under the new covenant. Does God give particular grace to the children of believers? Are they somehow more likely to receive salvation (besides for the obvious reason that they are more likely to be exposed to the Gospel)? I'm not entirely sure what the answers to these questions are, but there's something there, and the topic keeps coming up again and again, so I feel like God is trying to teach me something. I know that I've worried in the past, "what if I bring up a child, and he or she isn't a believer?" and this new concept gives me new hope. I want to learn more.

I've also been reading about the presence of the trinity in the Old Testament, and it's blowing my mind. I have a lot left to read, so I will have to expound on that in another post, but it's pretty cool, let me tell you.

How is your reading going? And what happened to your idea of writing about what you're reading in scripture?

I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

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