Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BOOYAH 100!!!

And to think: I was about to take a shower and go to bed and forget to post tonight! I'm so glad I remembered! I knew this day was coming, and I'm just so glad that this momentous occasion happens to be on one of my posting days. Let's just take a moment and reflect on the past almost-five months, and bask in the glory that is...


Oh no. I just realized, this needs to be good. This is an important moment. This post needs to be memorable. I can't waste this great opportunity. Oh, the pressure! I don't think I can handle it. The cursor is blinking and all I can do is babble on anxiously, hoping in vain for inspiration to arise or fount or explode, or whatever verb is usually associated with the appearance of inspiration. I can't take it anymore! C'mon, Molly, THINK! Write something!

Dear David,

I'm going to bed now.

~Your Princess~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

To-Do List and Axe Bird!

Hm, ok. So this is what I have to get done:

1.) CLUE HUNT. I just realized something yesterday that will make this much more difficult, and that is that there are only so many sites at which I can manipulate the words and pictures freely and quickly. So it's taking some time...
2.) COMPILE THAT DANG VIDEO! Well, it's not a dang video, it's one you'll enjoy, I just have to get off of my butt and get to work on recording the last of it!
4.) Read more in "Putting the amazing back in grace". More of a personal goal, but I'm sure you'd appreciate me doing it just the same :P
5.)Remember to throw a number 3 in there.

Ok! I'm off to bed, I love you and I will talk to you tomorrow.


I'm gonna teach our pet banana slug to do that when we get an apartment together.

Your Mouse

Monday, August 29, 2011

How convenient

Hello there, David!

Well, well, well. You ask for a couple days' grace on your clue hunt, and promise it will be up by Sunday night, and CONVENIENTLY hurricane Irene rolls through town, taking out your power and cutting you off from the interwebz. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. I expect a clue hunt tomorrow!

This week is going to be even busier than the last. The campus ministry fair was today. Tomorrow I have 4 one-on-ones scheduled, and large group meets tomorrow night. Wednesday is the activities fair, and that night my freshman girls' small group begins (we're studying Galatians). Thursday my book reports are due. Whew! But I like keeping busy. I go crazy when I have too much down time.

I was in Bongo Java today reading for the study program, and I once again came across a mention of "God's covenant promises to the children of believers." I'm not sure I fully understand what is meant by that, but I think it's basically a covenant passed down through generations. The Hebrews had circumcision to set them apart; we have baptism. Baptism is a sign and a seal, and just as babies were circumcised under God's covenant, so also are babies now baptized under the new covenant. Does God give particular grace to the children of believers? Are they somehow more likely to receive salvation (besides for the obvious reason that they are more likely to be exposed to the Gospel)? I'm not entirely sure what the answers to these questions are, but there's something there, and the topic keeps coming up again and again, so I feel like God is trying to teach me something. I know that I've worried in the past, "what if I bring up a child, and he or she isn't a believer?" and this new concept gives me new hope. I want to learn more.

I've also been reading about the presence of the trinity in the Old Testament, and it's blowing my mind. I have a lot left to read, so I will have to expound on that in another post, but it's pretty cool, let me tell you.

How is your reading going? And what happened to your idea of writing about what you're reading in scripture?

I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Friday, August 26, 2011

Yeah, about that clue hunt...

Alright, after much toil and brain straining, here it is! Hope it lives up to your expectations:

The Mouse

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Books, books, books!

Hey there my David!

The HOW MANY books I've given you? I do believe Dogs of Babel and Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart are in there as well, mister. But the two you're talking about are most important. I'd really like you to start with Putting Amazing Back into Grace, as that has some serious foundational stuff in it that will rock your world, but if you insist on starting with Piper, please give the Horton book to my dad to read first (drop it off at the bank, maybe, or give it to your mom to give to him at church or something).

Today I may be meeting with three new girls for coffee or ice cream! I'm also meeting with Syneva, the former intern here. So much to do! I have to get my car from the shop (waiting for a ride) and also go to Best Buy to pick up a router and other various necessities for my apartment. Oh, how I miss you! I've been super busy enough that my mind is usually preoccupied, so I've been able to avoid most of the weighty sadness, but when I do start to think about you, my heart aches to see you. I can't wait until you visit. There are so many amazing things down here! Great places to eat, neat little stores, beautiful places to stroll, a ZOO (which I haven't been to yet, but they have monkeys and elephants!) I passed Martina McBride's house yesterday, and will likely see some famous person or another wandering around town. And Belmont is hipster central. Everything here is indie--there's even an indie movie theater I plan to take you to! I can't wait to see you, my love.

Or you, Smeth, I know you're reading. ;-)

Well, I need to start my crazy day! I agree it would be good to talk to each other every day. I don't have a concrete schedule yet, so right now talking first thing in the morning is pretty perfect for me--it's such a wonderful way to start my day! And then in the evening, I'll give you a call or text you if I have downtime, so you don't end up calling in the middle of something and feel brushed off. I wish I could have you here with me, but I guess talking on the phone will have to do for now. Letters coming soon! :-D

~The Princess~

Monday, August 22, 2011

I think I miss you

You are so far away! It's hard to wrap my head around. I know we text, but I think I'm going to make a point of calling you every day. Otherwise I'm just gonna up and forget about you. ...Joking! Srsly though, I think making a point of calling is a good idea.

Today was spent getting school stuff sorted out and mowing the lawn. When we get older, we are never, ever ever going to get a loan from sallie mae; they are just absolutely awful to deal with. School should be moving along swimmingly though; I got an A in my mythology class, ^5. Uhhhhh...what else has been happening...

Missing you, I've been doing a lot of that, yeah. I think I might start reading Looking for Alaska AFTER I finish the two books you've given me. I think I'll start the John Piper one tonight.

Hm...Did I mention that I miss you? I don't think I did. I miss you. I will hopefully talk to you soon. Goodnight!

-The Mouse

Friday, August 19, 2011

Yes, Southward Bound

Oh boy. I'm headed to Tennessee tomorrow. I feel nervous, excited, sad, anxious, apprehensive, exhaustive and exhausting list of emotions. Just got a new phone, new number, new texting abilities. I still have last-minute packing to do (ahhh!!!!), and this message will be short. I will miss you so, so much David. But we will talk and text and write, and BLOG. So, we're canceling out the past two days again. And you still have two challenges to complete!

I can't think right now. So much to do!

~The Princess~

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Southward bound!

4 days! 4 days until you head on down to Tennessee. I'm not gonna say any more on's my opinion on those bands

Árstíðr- Not really my thing...good try 
Throw Me The Statue - Have actually heard of a song of theirs before but didn't like it.
Rolla Olak - I like it! A little bit jam bandy, but not too much so that it turns into an unfocused mess. B
Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love - What were they thinking. This is an awful band name. It's so pretentious that I almost dislike the music. Almost. It's not bad, but nothing I haven't heard before, just some more downer folk. C-
The Chairs - Huh. Kinda like fleet foxes and some indie pop stuff. It's aight

I am very surprised. I thought I would outright dislike everything you threw at me, but here I am digging songs by a couple of these artists and actually doing more research on Rolla Olak. Mission excellently accomplished girlfriend! :D

In other news, I am very much looking forward to my challenge! This will be a little tough but a whole lotta fun. I've already got a couple sites in mind that have ample choice words and pictures that'll be great for this type of thing. I'm super cited. 

Goodnight Molly! I love you and will talk to you tomorrow.

-The Mouse

Monday, August 15, 2011

Follow the bread crumbs...

Hello David!

Little rhymes for the tombstones, eh? I'm sure I can come up with something! I love "Hosta la vista, baby," by the way. And yes, I know hosta is a type of plant. :-P Well, here are some definite keepers:

Don't worry, there's always rein-carnation.

Croak our grandmother
Croak our friends 
And now, crocus

Beware the chrysanthe-mummy!

Thyme runs out so quickly.
RIP Herb

Here lie Rosemary and Lily
They got ahold of Miracle Grow, and drank themselves silly

Here lies Weeping Willow
"Don't pine for me"

And, my personal favorite:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I am dead
Buy stuff from Bosco's

I know what you're thinking, and yes, you do have the cleverest girlfriend ever. You're welcome.

And now for your challenge! You must create an internet clue hunt that has at least four steps and takes at least five minutes to complete. The first clue must be posted on this blog on Friday, August 26th (and obviously the clue hunt must be fully in place by the time of said posting). You can use whatever medium you want to make your clues, but the hunt must be entirely online, and it must be completeable by anyone who reads this blog (in other words, no obscure inside jokes). Good luck! Can't wait!

See you and read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dumb classical mythology

Bleh, quick post for the night.

I have not heard any of those bands! So I will commence the googling tomorrow. Morning. I'm too tired right now. I've been posting discussions, but...everything about the topic has already been discussed! I'm racking my brain to think of anything we haven't touched upon, and it's tough. Lesson learned: don't put off till tomorrow what you can easily do today.

What happened today...hmmm hmmmm....Went to work, got home, ate dinner, lecture, discussions...yep. We're already getting ready for the fall at Bosco's. We're trying to think up crazy and funny little rhymes to put on tombstones for halloween, which I feel is right up your alley. If you think of any, lemme know. All I have right now is "Hosta la vista, baby" (hosta is a type of plant, fyi).

Hope you're having fun with John tonight. I'm going to bed, I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open.

Goodnight my Molly


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Indie Boy

Hello David!

I've been searching, and I've found a few bands to run by you. I'm hoping there are at least two on this list that you haven't heard of AND you like. Or at least can tolerate.

As for your challenge...I'm still thinking about that one. I'll have it for you by Friday. You just keep working on your long overdue vlog.

I spent today reading for the internship. And I only fell asleep once! I don't really have anything to talk about...oh, hey, how about that hacker group that's gonna take down Facebook? Pretty epic, huh? Yeah, that's all I've got. Now for your eagerly awaited list.

Throw me the Statue
Rolla Olak
Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love
The Chairs

Challenge completed?
~The Princess~

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Alright. FINE.

So I realize I've got a list of things that I've gotta get a jump on. Yeah yeah yeah...I'm getting there. Ok, so where to start....right, facebook. Ok, let's see...go to profile...edit....huh, ok that's weird, nothing happened. Lemme try reloading the page.... o_o OH wait actually nevermind. I wrote the previous part after several attempts and failures at editing my page, and I'm not going to lie to you, the thought of changing my music tastes really rustles my jimmies. But a deals a deal, and a challenge is a challenge. Fine.

NOW. For your challenge. This is going to be a little homework assignment to keep you busy while I'm doing mythology work or whateves. Your challenge is to find two bands/artists/musicians that you think I would find interesting that I have not heard of yet. Shouldn't be too hard; I know to you I might seem like a boundless archive of musical wonders, but there are 14 bands I haven't heard of, I counted. So it should be EASY to find only two. I tip my hat to you.

His Musicness

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Step it up

Hello David!

What a beautiful day! The clouds are gathering, the temperature's dropping, the wind's a-blowing, your next challenge is brewing... C'mon now, we need to step it up a little bit. Things are about to get crazy, and we can't be neglecting this blog, or the challenges will just keep piling up! You still need to edit your vlog, and change your music tastes (which only takes a second so I don't know why you haven't done that yet!!!), not to mention assign ME a mini-challenge. Time's up, David. Let's get down to business (to defeat BOOM BOOM the Huns). In the hopes that you change your music tastes and at least get that challenge out of the way by the time you post tomorrow, I'm going to hold off on giving you your next challenge until Wednesday or Friday, partly because I still have to think one up, and partly to give you time to get your rear in gear.

I just spoke to Kevin Twit, my new campus minister, on the phone. He's found me more contacts to support my internship. My co-intern, Chase, is now ahead of me in fundraising (darn that Chase! jk) so Kevin is working really hard to help me out, which is wonderful. I've sent out reminder post cards, made some phone calls, e-mailed and facebooked some contacts, etc. I'm confident that the funds will be raised, it's just a matter right now of whether they will be raised by the time I want to head to campus, August 20th. That's apparently move in day on the Belmont campus (of course, I'm not staying on the campus, but the point is that I'll be there when students are arriving), and there is a leadership retreat Monday and Tuesday that would be neat to go on, but Kevin said he's never had an intern make it for that, so it's no big deal. And Friday the 26th is Belmont's involvement fair, which I'd also like to be at. I know you don't want me to go, but would you please be praying for me to get there in time for all this?

I've been really sleepy all day today. I took a power nap this morning, and another nap just recently, around 3. I went to the bank and ate lunch with my dad today. He told me all about his trip to Honduras, and says he wants me to go with him next year! Unfortunately, it falls on the week of RUF summer training, so I would have to see if an exception could be made for me. But it sounds like an exciting opportunity!

I will read you tomorrow (I hope!)
~The Princess~

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stamps, stamps, and more stamps

Dear David,

I keep meaning to ask the postman in the North Granby post office his name, because I've seen him so many times this summer, and I'd like to be able to walk in and say, "Hi George," or, "Hey, Pete," or, "What's up, Mr. Michaelson?" Why have I visited the post office so often? Because I've bought lots and lots of stamps. Today I bought 50 post card stamps (which cost 29 cents, just FYI), adding to the 40 I bought yesterday. I'm mailing out update/reminder postcards for the internship. I've bought close to, if not more than, 100 regular stamps over the course of the summer, for mailing support letters and personal letters. I bet I could completely cover my whole head with the number of stamps I've bought. Then I could be a super hero! Stamp Girl, with the power of POSTAGE! Watch as she travels slowly all over the world! Her only weakness is THE INTERNET! See her fight crime, protest e-mails, and lick copious amounts of ENVELOPES!

I think this could catch on.

Yours truly,
~The Princess~

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I sat down with my parents and we talked about their trip to Cranberry Island in Maine. I give, you were right; they didn't stay in a tent, the stayed with the Mocarskys. The island itself was only about a mile and a bit long, but on it lived some really really cool people, like this one guy who, in the middle of his house, had a 6 story tower! One floor had a Jacuzzi, another had a room dedicated to jelly beans, another to pool tables.... the people that lived on the island were mostly artists and lobstermen (not like monsters, but guys that fished for lobsters). There was one person in particular that really stuck with my parents, and his name is Ashley Bryan:
 Ashley is an amazing storyteller and artist. Mr. Mocarsky introduced my parents to Ashley, who promptly greeted them with a hug and welcomed them into his home. They were telling me about his house, which actually sounded more like a piece of art than a home; all the walls, literally every square foot was covered in little trinkets and thingamabobs that he found interesting or perplexing. There were walls dedicated to to motorcycles, scraps of things he found on the beach, japanese robots, just...anything and everything. It sounded and looks amazing. Even more amazing are his works of art, a couple pieces of which are shown in the picture above. He created that stained glass out of what is called "beach glass"; every piece of glass you see above is from glass that has been thrown into the ocean, and after time has been smoothed by the constant shifting on the shore. He's then taken all of the pieces he could find and actually has created images which depict stories from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, (those are the books he started with) and is continuing on with other books from the Bible! It just completely blew my parents' minds, and I have to agree, we NEED to visit this amazing person some time! I'd love to hear about his walk with Christ and how it translated into his artwork.

Ok, I'm going to bed. Goodnight my love! I'll talk to you tomorrow!

-The Mouse

p.s. I accept your challenge and am trying hard to think up a mini one of my own. Get. Ready.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Bread Challenge

Hello David!

It's finally FINISHED! The long awaited video proof of my completion of the Bread Challenge which you gave me a few weeks ago. I'm pretty stoked, if you can't tell. Check out the video on youtube:

Speaking of challenges, we've decided to give each other a reprieve for our skipped posts this week, considering we're both really busy and both already have a missed day to make up for. You still need to do the mini-challenge I posted last week, and you still need to assign me a mini-challenge for my previous miss.

Today has been an alright day. This morning we took my car in to the mechanic...and I still haven't heard back from them. I guess I will have to call them if they don't call me. *Gulp* You know how much I dislike making phone calls. Later this morning, guys from Bob's Discount Furniture came to drop off our new couch and love seat, which are pretty sweet. Tonight the Pinsons, a family from church, are putting on a dessert for me at their home, so I can talk to more people about the RUF internship. My support raising is going well! I only have $13,000 to go before I can leave for campus! I'm pretty excited, but also pretty apprehensive, as you well know. I sure am going to miss you. We may have some pretty sappy posts coming up in the near future. Sorry, readers.

I look forward to your feedback on the video, and your decision on what my mini challenge will be.

I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I realized this morning I was supposed to post yesterday. This is me asking for a reprieve. Or at least two little quick challenges (one for this time, one for last time--and you need to address the challenge I gave you!)

~The Princess~