Friday, July 29, 2011

Manzana Grande Peligroso

Hey Molly,

SO, New York was pretty excellent. John and I started out from Grand Central Station and puttered about for a little while, visiting nearby stores in Times Square. Highlights include the Lego store, the Nintendo Store (at which John found very necessary to remark on their declining game line up), the M&M store, and the Hershey store, which was actually right across from the M&M store! ...And was a lot smaller, like a lot a lot.

After that, we headed down to Soho and hung out on the docks. It was very wet. Then we took the subway to the MoMa, where we saw the after hours exhibition of modern video games. I kid you not, 99% of the people there were hipsters. Like hardcore, pabst-blue ribbon drinking, flannel wearing hipsters. I actually pointed out to John when I found another guy that was "normal" and un-hipsterish. Most of the games presented we'd already heard of, and in our own way we scoffed at the masses and laughed at how mainstream their tastes were.

Wait! No first, before we went to the MoMa we went to the Brick in Brooklyn, a little hole in the wall theater. From the outside I thought it looked awesome, but John was a little intimidated and was REALLY hoping it wasn't going to be a really small venue. And it was. But it was still great! The play was interactive, and set up in the style of an adventure game like that Monkey Island one we started playing; a person in the audience would tell the guy on stage to go pick up a phone, and he would. Interactive! There was more to it than just that but it would take way way too long to type, so I'll tell you all about it tomorrow after you've read this post. John LOVED it, and thought it would be excellent for the agents, and I gotta agree. You would have loved it.

We headed back to Grand Central, caught the train...and you know the rest :P

There are many more blanks that I'll fill in when we chat about it! But now time for tending to you. Love you :)

-The Mouse

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Phone calls in the night

Dear David,

Praise God I didn't lose you last night! My goodness, you had me worried! You call at 6:30 AM and catch me half asleep, so I miss out on your story, then later this morning I see you also called at 2 AM, and I thought to myself, good heavens what did that boy get himself into??? I won't spoil the story by giving away the exciting details of your adventure in my post, but I expect a detailed account on the blog tomorrow, because you certainly had an interesting night! So readers, expect an awesome update tomorrow.

How was the museum and the show? That part I didn't get to ask you about, and I'm very curious! Training week in Atlanta is going well. Yesterday we went out to dinner at a place called Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles. Everyone at my table ordered the Midnight Train, which is the special. It's a waffle that comes with four friend chicken wings. And it was delicious. I decided that I needed to make two videos of the week after all--one for my support channel, and one for my regular channel which chronicles all the interny awesomeness of the week.

I need to write some thank you notes to supporters, and then I have prayer group from 1:30-4:30, so I need to sign off. Can you believe that I WILL GET TO SEE YOU TOMORROW NIGHT??? Just let that sink in a little bit. I recommend you make your post early in the day, or else you will forget!

I haven't forgotten that I need to challenge you, by the way! I said our challenges for this past forgetfulness should be simpler than in the past. I have a lovely one for you. Right now under favorite music, you have Jennifer Love Hewitt twice (I assume John did that...), In Spades, and "Little of this, little of that." Your challenge is to delete all your listings under Favorite Music, and replace them with Owl City, Dave Matthews Band, Matchbox 20, and the Dixie Chicks. You may neither add to nor take away from this list, nor can you give any explanation to account for the change.

I will read you tomorrow.
~The Princess~

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Big Cantaloupe!

Oh Snap,

Looks like you just dropped a knowledge bomb on me. My girlfriend is so smart and well read. Yeah, I didn't read chapter 1, and I probably should have, but everything you wrote was very insightful! I think you're right, having a little bit of structure in my reading would probably help in understanding what I'm reading. So that's gonna be the new game plan.

Today's post is going to be very short because, as you know, I'm heading to New York today! John and I are going to see an arcade exhibit at the MoMA, and then we're off to Brooklyn to catch a video game themed play at the Brick, a neat little video game themed theater. I'm leaving the house at around 10, hoping to get to new haven in time to catch the metro at 11:58 (yeah, it doesn't take nearly that long, I know). The MoMA exhibit actually starts at around 7. So what are we going to do in the meantime, you ask?

No clue. But it'll be an adventure! It'll be great. Alright, I gotta go. I love you!

-The Mouse

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Scripture, justification, sanctification, and...circumcision?

Hello my David!

I would encourage you to stick to a book once you've started it, rather than skipping around. If you want to read Galations, start at the beginning (did you already read the first chapter? you just didn't mention that) and read to the end, before going on to another book. If you read an entire book, you can sometimes get more out of it than if you just read one random chapter, because there are themes and connections that run throughout the book. You can go through two books at the same time, but I wouldn't recommend just reading here and there. I'm totally behind your "game plan" plan.

I read your post, then grabbed my Bible and read Galations 1 and 2 myself to see what you were talking about. I think you missed some of the context in which Paul is writing which would add richness to the passage. The "spies" that Paul talks about were not trying to derail his faith. When Paul was in Antioch, false teachers came down from Judea and started preaching that the Gentiles had to be circumcised in order to be saved, which "brought Paul and Barnabus into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about this question" (Acts 15:2). Paul had not been preaching the gospel cautiously; he had been sent by Christ to spread the good news to the Gentiles, and he did that boldly. Rather, when a dispute arose over the necessity of circumcision, it grew to such a fever pitch that it was wisely decided that the apostles in Jerusalem ought to be consulted.

In Galations 2, upon arriving in Jerusalem, Paul says that he "set before [the apostles] the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders, for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain" (verse 2). He was not awaiting reassurance that he was doing a good job preaching the gospel message, for he says very plainly in chapter one that "when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but went immediately into Arabia and later returned to Damascus" (15-17, emphasis added). Paul was completely certain that he was preaching Christ's Gospel, which he " revelation from Jesus Christ" (1:12). The race he is talking about running is the sharp debate he had been having with the false teachers who were preaching Christ and circumcision. He came to seek out the counsel of the apostles in the matter, to check whether in this disputable matter he was correct in his teaching. Indeed, the very next sentence says, "Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek" (verse 4).

As for how natural the language sounds, I can totally relate to your surprise, because I am constantly amazed at how accessible the Bible's language is. Growing up, I always thought the Bible was full of flowery, old language that was difficult and boring. Reading it now, I am discovering, book after book, just how wrong I was, and I love this discovery.

Today's training is all about purposes, principles, and presuppositions. I'm learning a lot of interesting stuff. Much of it I have recently read about, but it is nonetheless exciting and there are plenty of details and illustrations that are new to me, so I am very much enjoying the sessions today. Tonight at 6 we are gathering for worship, and then we've been split up to go out in dinner groups to fellowship with each other. I tried to call you between sessions, but it went to voicemail! What's up with that? :-P Maybe I will be able to talk to you tomorrow.

~Your Princess~

Monday, July 25, 2011

Galatians? More like sensation!

Hey Molly,

I think I'll begin to read scripture with more of a game plan instead of just randomly choosing a verse like I am now. Or maybe I'll go a couple days reading in order then out of the blue one day I'll choose something different. So many possibilities... Maybe I'll work the Fibonacci sequence in there somehow...

Tonight I read Galatians chapter 2, which followed Paul as he headed back to Jerusalem with Titus and Barnabus to preach the Gospel. There were a couple parts that stood out to me in this chapter. The first of which was a phrase that Paul uses. In verse 2 he writes "I wanted to be sure I was not running and had not been running my race in vain." In context, he's referring to presenting his message to the leaders of the church in Jerusalem. I was just surprised by the language he used, and how natural it sounded. I could almost see him with slight apprehension when talking to John and the rest, and them reassuring him that he's doing fine. It was a very human action and kind of made me chuckle.

Another part that I found interesting was his cautiousness in teaching because of recent infiltration into his group by spies, who had joined wanting to break apart their faith. When I think of obstacles that distance me from God, they're usually inward; it's very rare that I run into something or someone which's goal is to harm me spiritually. That's probably due to my own aloofness more than anything else, but it's scary to think people would have gone so far as to actually spy on them and try to do them harm. Makes me rethink whether it was more difficult to be a Christian then or today.

Alright, I'm off to bed and to reflect upon this a little bit more. I feel like there's something more here that I'm missing. Goodnight! Read you man(tilde)ana.

-Your Mouse

Friday, July 22, 2011

Taking a turn

Yo yo yo Cameron,

Why exactly was the last post addressed to Molony?

Heat stroke! Poor baby! Bah, you're always getting sick! Drink more water or something. Just kidding.

My time in Florida is drawing to an end. Tomorrow morning I am heading out to North Carolina to my uncle's house in the mountains. I hear it's beautiful. I feel like this vacation has been a little rushed, but what can you do?

Oh my goodness, there's a commercial on TV saying, "You're single. You're Christian. And you're looking for someone to love. Sometimes we wait for God to make the next move..." and then it advertizes a dating site called That would never fly up north. Not that I think it's a great idea in the first place, but just sayin'.

I love to read whatever you post, especially if it is somthing you are excited about. If you find some scriptural passages you want to share and comment on, I'd love to hear them! But I also want to hear about what's going on in your life, especially once I'm down in TN. I think your idea is a great one, though.

It's thundering outside! Nothing like a crazy Florida thunderstorm to cool off a crazy-hot Florida day. This keyboard has sticky keys, so I have to type slowly and it's annoying.

I will read you on Monday! We both need to get our videos posted! And come up with another challenge for each other! What do you say to mini-challenges this time? I'd much rather have more time to spend with you than on a challenge.

~The Princess~

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hey Molony,

Today was really hot and I had to work outside. Worse combination than brushing your teeth and then drinking orange juice. I got mild heat stroke today, which was not as much fun as it sounds, and the combination of heat and stroke does not sound very fun to me. I felt really really nauseated and dizzy, and even the boscos were saying that I should come in for a break, so I did.

I'm finding that my days are becoming more and more samey, so I think in future posts I'll talk more about what verses of scripture I'm reading and maybe reflect on them. I think it'd be neat. Thoughts?

Bed Time. Peace out. Love you.

Mouse boioioi

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Smile, you're in Orlando!

Welcome to Florida, land of the wonderful, loving grammies with horrible, slow interwebz. There's no wireless at my grandma's house, so I am using her computer, which is kind of slow. Also, my choices for browser were Internet Explorer (you know how I hate that clicking noise) and AOL Desktop 9.6 (???). Although I chose AOL, I can't exactly say there's a clear winner there.

I noticed my grandma's virus definitions were out of date, so I tried to update, but she's using something called EMBARQ, and I have no idea what to do. I'll probably look it up online tomorrow, but the computer was so painfully slow today I couldn't stand to work on it for too long. I ran a complete scan, and 4 spyware things were found; 3 were deleted, 1 was quarantined. No viruses, but with expired definitions, if there was one would it be detected? Also, her sound icon disappeared from the lower right corner of the screen, and when I opened sound and audio in the control panel, it said there was no device found, even though we had just played a video on youtube (before the computer slowed to a freeze and we had to restart). And yes, the speakers are plugged in properly. Any ideas?

I just got back from my Uncle Russell and Aunt Becky's house. We went swimming in their beautiful screened-in pool, and then watched Idiocracy in their in-home theater, which is amazing. (Crap, I meant to take a clip of it...) I think you would like Idiocracy; it's made by the creators of King of the Hill. Enough said. Also, their little poodle dog is AMAZINGLY ADORABLE. I have some footage I'll edit later this week.

I can understand how you could finallycome to the conclusion that it's not you in the Wild Wings photo (which I think you need to upload for our readers...and posterity), but I don't understand how you made an extra step and figured out the guy's name. Please fill me in, you stalker, you.

I will read you tomorrow!
~Thy Princess~

PS- Hey, Dummy, answer your phone!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So after you left I sat down with my Dad and watched some Anthony Zimmern Eats Stuff He Shouldn't (or whatever the name of the show is) and he told me that *gasp* it wasn't ME in that picture! It was some handsome guy named chris allen. I think what gave it away was his nose, it's not the same; his is really flawed on closer inspection.

Well, you're probably (actually definitely) at home now, and you're catching your flight tomorrow morning. How exciting! I hope I get to chat with you tomorrow evening. I'll be praying for you!

I love you

-The Mouse

P.S. I bet you thought I wasn't going to post tonite.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bah humbug!

I'm usually (lately, at least) fairly good at keeping my stress levels down, but when a situation pops up, everything else crowds in to add to the stress and it's difficult to stay focused and not just crumble into a hopeless something or other. I can't even type right now, lol! I don't feel like posting, I'm dismayed that we BOTH missed posting last week, and I'm not going to go into all the bothersome details of my botheredness right now. Suffice it to say, I am very glad to see you soon and go get a meatball grinder.

~The Princess~

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Revenge of the Challenge (bread edition)

Hey moll doll,

I'm very, VERY thankful that you're allowing me to have until friday to edit and compile my challenge video. To show my gratitude, I'm going to make the challenge a little bit easier than I had originally intended. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to have a single table in your garage sale that is dedicated to a loaf of bread. The bread must be priced $10, and you must record yourself trying to pawn the loaf off on at least 3 people. The bread can either be white or wheat, it matters not. It must, however, be a loaf. I wish you luck on this endeavor.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Movin' out

Dearest Mouseboy,

Don't blame me for "distracting" you, sheesh! Your paranoia leads me to believe that you are extremely intent on tripping ME up, because I'll have you know that I have hardly EVER intentionally attempted (is it possible to unintentionally attempt something?) to keep you from posting! So stop all this finger pointing, and take responsibility for the empty brevity of your blog post last night.

It has come to my attention that our dear friend Steph has been fervently posting comments to many of our entries, and we have completely neglected to respond! I guess we just haven't noticed because we didn't expect anyone to actually get so engaged. We'll have to keep better track of what's going on here. Cameron as well has been reading, and ever so gently pointed out to me, "You do realize people had phones before they had airports, right?" So, no, people did not, in fact, have to go to the airport to buy their tickets. He continued, "And that's what travel agents were for." As I mentioned last night, technology has made us very smart, but also very dumb, and it is all too easy to become condescending when looking to the past and wondering, "How did people ever get by without X?"

I spent the morning packing up stuff in my room for the tag sale this Friday and Saturday. I need to make some signs and hang them up tomorrow morning. It's going to be fun! Of course, my house is kind of in the middle of nowhere, so I hope that people will still show up. I plan to plant one side on a street corner, taping it to the head of a buffalo hobby horse, which I will stick in the ground to hold the sign up. That should grab some attention. Thanks go to you and JJ for sending me the hobbled bison at camp one year in a most excellent care package. I'm pretty sure the duck tape I'll be using is also the very same that was sent in that package, with a note to use it to keep the campers in line.

I need to run off to a visit in Vernon! I will stop by afterward to drop off my digital camera. Remember: tomorrow is your last day to complete the challenge. If you fail to do so, after I have been ever-so-lenient about the date of completion, I retain the right to issue a new and perhaps more terrible challenge. Also, you need to post my challenge tomorrow, so I can get to it! Enough of this lolly-gagging, mister! Adventure and personal growth awaits!

Wuv you!
~The Princess~

Monday, July 11, 2011


That was kind of underhanded Molly. Distracting me and stuff. So this is all you're going to get. Well, maybe a little more than just that, I've got about two minutes. Ok, things to write about. OH! So I've been digging work lately because I get to ride the fourwheeler around! I get to crank it into 2nd, sometimes even 3rd gear and just floor it. I'm really, REALLY hoping that the boscos don't rewatch the past couple days security cams. Ok, that's all, we'll talk about this more tomorrow. Love you.

-The Mouse

Friday, July 8, 2011

Mars, movies, mythology, and modern marvels

Life on Mars? The TV show Kevin told us about? Okay. We also have to watch Flatliners. I'm pumped.

As for your vlog challenge, of course you can record on your breaks or whatever. You're gonna have to plan ahead if you're going to complete your challenge by Wednesday. By that I mean that you'll have to either borrow your dad's camera, or remember to ask me for mine. If it's not posted by Wednesday, I reserve the right to give a different and worse challenge. Don't be lame!

Your mythology course starts Monday!!! How exciting! I hope you learn lots of cool stuff and tell me all about it.

Using the modern marvel that is the internet, I just searched all around for Up! because my mom wants to watch it tonight. There aren't any red boxes within 50 miles of here that carry it, nor are there any block buster boxes. Wal-mart is carrying it for $16.99, but who wants to buy a movie for that much? I'm going to see if perhaps my mom would want to watch it on the bigger computer screen. In the meantime, I'm going to see if there are any movie rental places left anywhere nearby that might carry it. The internet is amazing, and we so easily take it for granted because we've had it since we were young. I can't imagine a life without the interwebz. I realized the other day--when people wanted plane tickets, they must've actually had to go to the airport to buy them. How crazy is that? Can you imagine driving over to Bradley and having to talk to someone to figure out when what flight is going where, how much it is...imagine trying to compare prices! We are so blessed--and so spoiled--to have such amazing technology at our fingertips.

I'm going to do some more reading for the intern study program, and avoid making phone calls. It's thundering, so I have a trembling Pei-Pei at my feet. I wonder how work will go for you today...

~The Princess~

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sailors fighting in the Dancehall

Hello my Molly,

So today was a fun day, I'd say. Well, despite our joke of a tennis match :D Let's see...what do I have planned for tomorrow. Work from 9:30 to 6, then home again. The days are starting to melt together again; if today wasn't paycheck day, I'm not entirely sure that I'd be able to keep track. BUT that's all about to change this coming monday! I get to start my mythology course (woot woot) and boy howdy am I pumped. I cannot wait to finally get back into matriculation! So close...

And before I forget, we should watch "Life on Mars". Yeah, that tv show that's based on a David Bowie tune. Ok, well it's not based on the song, even loosely, but it's about a guy that MAYBE travels back in time and solves crimes. Either that or he's schizophrenic. Who knows! We'll have to watch and find out.

I'm still not quite sure what your challenge is going to be, or if i'll even be able to complete the one you had given me. Have hope! I'll see if I can find a way to sneak in the camera, or maybe even record some stuff during my breaks. Yeah, that might work.

Alright, goodnight my Molly, I'll see you tomorrow.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

God is great, God is good

Hello my David!

Have I told you lately that I love you? Have we made a reader gag recently enough? Has anyone even read our blog in the past months? I'm hoping the answer to all these questions is yes, but just in case: I love you more than the sunshine, more than music, more than peanut butter ice cream. There, now all we have left to wonder about is whether anyone will ever read that. But even if no one else does, at least I know I've told you.

What a beautiful day! I've spent a few hours of it reading for the intern study program, and a few minute of it calling a couple people to set up visits. I left a message with one person, and actually received a call back an hour or so later. That's always extremely exciting, and unfortunately rare. I also called my uncle to set up a visit and decided to make it a bike ride. We're going at 10 am on Monday--come with us! You and I can have breakfast together and listen to a Keller message, and then head out to Simsbury for a little bike ride, then come back here for a tasty lunch (there's still a lot of food left from the party to be grilled up)!

You wanna talk about challenges? Let's talk about how you were supposed to make a vlog by last Friday. Yeah, yeah, I know I gave you a grace period because of your hectic week, but unless you explicitly back down from the challenge--and I want the whiny defeat on the blog in writing--you've got until next Wednesday to complete it and post the results. Also, I need my video camera back! I want to get around to making a support video. In fact, I was going to do it today, and then I remembered that you have my camera. Also, I need to pay you back for those tent stakes I never had to use.

I will read you tomorrow, and [maybe] see you tonight!
~The Princess~

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yes yes yes yes yes!

Thanks Molly. Like, really. I've pondered what would be a suitable task as turnaround for the last challenge that you made suffer through. And you'll be pleased to know that *drum roll please*

I've got nothing. Goodnight. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

-The Mouse

No no no no no!

Oh no. Oh no no no no no! I am going to hope that you miss posting today, and that you will perhaps consider making our missed days cancel out. Yesterday was a HOLIDAY! Oy, okay, so that's a lame excuse, but I was just reeeeally committed to avoiding your vengeance for the bridge ordeal. This stinks...

~The Princess~

Friday, July 1, 2011

Did you know Vol. 1


You're sitting next to me writing your paper (good luck! I know you'll do just fine. Well, because you've already read the book twice now) and I'm sitting to your right, trying to think of what to write for my blog post. We spent a good chunk of the day together so you already know the gist of what I've been up to.

Well, i've got a couple minutes before I need to post so I think I'll do some sleuthing and clear up something we've been wondering about. The term handicap; it actually comes from an old English game called "hand-in-cap". The rules are kind of murky, but it more or less had to do with (if I'm reading this definition right) making a situation more equitable for both parties. So in a way, that kind of translates into the modern definition of handicap....kind of...though I guess disabled works better.

OH! Also, did you know that when someone says that they have to use "kid gloves", it doesn't mean to treat someone in the same manner as they would a child; back in the old days, and I mean old old days, they used to make gloves from kid skin (you know, baby goats) and these gloves were much softer than those rough leather ones you'd normally use if you were plowing the field or whatever else the people in the old old days did for fun. So yeah, the more you know.

Alright, you're on the couch all laying-downy with a tummy ache, so I'm gonna see if there's anything I can do. Love you

-The mouse