Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Poetry, shmoetry

Dear David,

How long do orchid flowers usually last? Because mine have been with me since the beginning of the school year and have yet to fade. I enjoy their company, I'd just like to know when I have to start worrying about their impending death. Should I get my orchid plant a friend, do you think?

I am ahead of the game study-program-wise. I finished my book for this month, and my scripture readings, and I've read the sections of the Westminster Shorter Catechism and Confession of Faith for this month AND the next. Now I just have to write my report on Spiritual Depression, which I hope to finish tomorrow morning.

I got a book by Terry Goodkind a while ago. It's called The Law of Nines. I was super excited to find another Goodkind novel (he wrote the Sword of Truth series), but I don't think this one has any dragons in it, so what's the point? Anyway, I just started Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. It's a great series, but I have somehow lost interest, even though I read through each of the first two books in three days.

I thought about writing a poem, because I have a lot of words swimming around in my head, but then I figured this was not really the place to get all artsy and morbid. And also, I want to get some reading done tonight and go to bed. I think I've been getting too much sleep again, because I'm always tired, and I just want to stay in bed all day. If I didn't have Responsibilities, I just might give in to that temptation.

I have another video in the works. Well, it's at the idea stage right now. I will write up the script this weekend,  because it is fall break so I will have not much to do. Well, I will write it up Monday, that is. BECAUSE MARCIA IS COMING ON FRIDAY WOOOOOT!!!

I will read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

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