Monday, October 17, 2011

One evening 1945...

Evenin' Molly,

I played so much guitar today and it felt GOOD. I haven't sat down and played like that in probably months. Let's see...what did I learn. I relearned "Independence Day" by Elliott Smith (this time properly without messing around with random finger picking) and every song off of that album "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel. Here's a link to a song!

You're probably not gonna get around to watching it, but I really wish you would; it's excellent if you can get past his kind of nasally, shouting voice. The lyrics will break your heart.

Got some discussion stuff done for my class, had dinner (CURRY! YES) and then went out to pick Zach up from Youth Group. I've never really sat down and talked with him about his faith. I get the feeling that he goes to church to please our parents and doesn't really take anything from the service. He's still young, but it's probably something I should bring up with him. He does look up to me (or so says the 'rents) so it couldn't hurt.

Tomorrow at 10:30 I'm meeting with Pastor Anderson. I'm pretty excited; I'll let you know how it goes afterwards. I think I'll probably grab some Mrs. Murphy's for breakfast along with some Celebration of Discipline/PABIG/I completely forgot I still had the Reason For God! I was really wrong about the whole mysticism aspect in CoD (not call of duty) and I think it might be a book you'll benefit from. I'd imagine that a lot of it will be old news to you, but you might find some parts of it really interesting, I know I am.

I'll check back tomorrow for your post.

-The Mouse

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