Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lower Still

Hey Molly,

I don't have a whole bunch to talk about tonight. Dinner was good; we went to Concetta's, this little italian restaurant in Bloomfield. The owner knows my Uncle by name, which was weird. We got a chicken cordon bleu pizza, AMAZING. My dad and I sat down and watched some episodes of Law and Order when we got home, which was also weird; it was the first time in a long time where we haven't been arguing, so it was kind of surreal. My Mom called! It was so good to hear her voice. From the sound of it, she's up and about with a walker, waayyyyy ahead of schedule! She should be home by Sunday.

Ok seriously, here's a direct link:

You have no reason now not to check 'em out. They've got a serious prog/tool vibe going on, without the really nonsensical lyrics. Some other users have posted some other great songs as well, but I really dig this one.

Ok, another short post. C'mon Mouseboy you can do better than this. Next time I'll find something really good to post, promise.

G'night Molly,
-The Mouse

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Awesome haunted house is awwesooommme

Hello David!

I just got home from training, and now I am posting before heading off to small group. I am so excited to be back! I had such a fantastic time, got to know my class a lot better, and can't wait to see my fellow interns again. Now I am all rejuvenated and itching to set up one-on-ones and events and stuff.

I have to tell you about Netherworld. I don't think I've ever been to a haunted house, and this one was the #1 haunted house in America. Just waiting and walking around outside, waiting for everyone to gather, was amazing. There must have been a dozen or more actors dressed as all different terrifying characters such as a muzzled wild woman, a voodoo doctor, a creepy clown, a tree-person, a giant bug-like thing with glowing red eyes and jaws that snapped. Entering the house cost $22, but it lasted probably 30 minutes, and just when you got to a point in the house when you felt like, wow, that was totally worth the continued and got even cooler. It employed all sorts of different sensory experiences, was a feast of creativity for the eyes and mind, was terrifying and captivating and so, so much fun. Let me slow down and give some examples.

Sensory stuff: Basically, the path you were to follow weaved back and forth through an old warehouse, and every inch of space seemed to have been put to use. At one point the walls were all mirrors, and in the dim lighting, figuring out which way is clear and which is a mirror--as well as which is your reflection and which belongs to an actor about to jump out and scare you!--is not a super easy task. At another point, there was a swamp, which was created by casting a waist-high plane of green light, under which a swamp creature hid. And the path through the swamp was flanked by blown up polyester tunnels that you had to push between, making it seem like you were moving through water. The tunnel things appeared later by themselves, creating a cloistering, dark crevice you had to push through. There were a couple spinning tunnels with stationary walking paths through them. One was lined with green dots of light, and even though I knew the path must be stationary, and even though one of my fellow interns was behind me yelling, "Molly, the path isn't moving!" my body refused to listen to reason, and I made it across, clinging to the railing and trying my hardest not to fall down. It was so, so neat.

The creativity that went into creating this attraction is mind-boggling. Around every corner is something new. There was always someone jumping out--sometimes lurking in the shadows, sometimes swinging down from the ceiling overhead, sometimes dressed as similar objects in the room, such as a chair or coats of armor or gargoyles or statues or corpses. Statues, walls, and rafters fell. Water dripped from the ceiling. Eerie lights dimly lit the fog. The most suspenseful thing for me was when I would notice that something was definitely a person, but because I was staring at it, it held perfectly still, and I passed by, the whole time with my fists up by my face (to hide if need arose I guess?) expecting it to jump out. (All I could think of was: "Don't Blink!") In the case of some of the actors, if they got a rise out of you, they would follow you through their section, saying creepy things in your ear. There was a nasty bathroom, and a spooky lair, and a deceivingly plush living room with a beckoning hag, and a mad scientist's laboratory, and on and on and on. I would have loved to go through the house a second time just to look closer at everything, and see all the details I missed on the first walk-through.

But the most amazing things of all were the large creature heads that, I learned the hard way, were not in fact mechanical. My favorite moment of the night: We had been winding through the house in a chain--Jake in front, then Rachel, then me holding her hand and the hand of Jen, who was behind me (Jen and I screamed and laughed and clung to each other the whole time. We are so much closer now, lol), then Andrew (there was another group of six interns that followed a little behind). We entered a room painted like the stormy sea, with octopi on the walls and nets draped here and there, and a giant dinosaur-shark head thing at the far end of the section. As Jake and Rachel crossed it, the shark head thrust out and chomped, just missing them. I stopped and watched it withdraw back, then spring out again. Jake and Rachel were on the other side, just through the next doorway, waiting for the rest of us to cross. I carefully timed my escape, figuring there must be some sort of pattern to the shark's movements, and because it was just drawing back, I should have enough time to dash across, right? WRONG. It pulled back, I ran, and out it came and my whole body got chomped in its mouth! I squealed, and it let go. There was a similar creature later on, and that's when I realized that there was actually a person inside the giant head. Too. Cool.

Summary: Holy crap that was awesome. I'm definitely going back next year.

I will read you tomorrow!
~The Princess~

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Faster than a speeding Mark


I almost forgot I was supposed to post tonight. Did a good deal of reading, homework, etc. Just found out one of my favorite albums OF ALL TIME got rerealeased on vinyl. Neat.

Man, Mark is fast. It's kind of like he had a word limit and tried to cram everything in. Still, it's a good refresher, I'm just trying to figure out where I should go after I finish him (might even finish it tonight). Any recommendations? I'm thinking of going to Acts. Actually that's probably what I'm going to do!

My Mom goes in for surgery on Thursday. I'm scared for her. And no amount of hoping and praying will change what COULD happen. The doctor says it's more likely for her to get into a car crash and die on her way to the hospital than it is for her to pass during the surgery, which isn't exactly comforting. Please please please say prayers for her tomorrow and Thursday.

Ok, time to finish Mark. Goodnight! I'll read you tomorrow. Right? And it'll actually be a decent post, Right? Night Molly

-The Mouse

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lame post is laaaaame

Hello David!

I am at RUF training in Atlanta! I am about to go to dinner with my area coordinator, and afterwards I am going to NETHERWORLD HAUNTED HOUSE with some interns. It should be a grand old time. But it also means I don't have much time to post. Sorry!

~The Princess~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homework, Sermon, Guitar, Batmaning...I mean sleep...

Hey Molly,

Just finished my homework for the night; we were supposed to be having a small group discussion which I completely forgot about. I hope the group forgives me (probably not), thank the specter of the internet that they can't e-punch me, because I definitely deserve it this time. Prior to my hw freakout, I had dinner with my family and Uncle Tom, and then we had cake! It was his birthday. I asked him what the civil war was like, he didn't seem amused. 

Now I'm probably going to watch Kevin's first sermon. After that...I dunno. I still have to send stephen and brad emails, so that sounds like a good idea to me. Maybe play some guitar afterwards? By then the night will be pretty much over. The days go by so fast.

Short post. Deal with it. Actually that's not what I intended, but tonight was really boring, and I feel like I'm about to explode in anticipation for friday. A group of us are going to this restaurant that made an appearance on the food network. It was on a show following eateries that were absolutely terrible, but this magic chef comes by and fixes all of their problems and makes it a 4 star restaurant. We will be the judge of that, and I expect much in the way of sarcasm from john. It'll be good fun.

Night! Read you tamale.

-The Mouse-

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ho-hum last minute posting


Alyssa is here. We're drinking Reisling. I don't have time to go into detail about my day. But suffice it to say it was a good one. We went to a documentary called The Swell Season about that band, and it was great. It was at a super indie movie place. And I out-hipstered you by telling you Sigur Ros made a movie. What's. Up.

Sorry this is so short--but you've made short posts before so I'm gonna not feel bad about this. Also, I can always edit it later.

I will read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

EDIT: I'm not sure what that song was about, but this line is really haunting:
One empty rings around your heart
The world just screams and falls apart

Monday, October 17, 2011

One evening 1945...

Evenin' Molly,

I played so much guitar today and it felt GOOD. I haven't sat down and played like that in probably months. Let's see...what did I learn. I relearned "Independence Day" by Elliott Smith (this time properly without messing around with random finger picking) and every song off of that album "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel. Here's a link to a song!

You're probably not gonna get around to watching it, but I really wish you would; it's excellent if you can get past his kind of nasally, shouting voice. The lyrics will break your heart.

Got some discussion stuff done for my class, had dinner (CURRY! YES) and then went out to pick Zach up from Youth Group. I've never really sat down and talked with him about his faith. I get the feeling that he goes to church to please our parents and doesn't really take anything from the service. He's still young, but it's probably something I should bring up with him. He does look up to me (or so says the 'rents) so it couldn't hurt.

Tomorrow at 10:30 I'm meeting with Pastor Anderson. I'm pretty excited; I'll let you know how it goes afterwards. I think I'll probably grab some Mrs. Murphy's for breakfast along with some Celebration of Discipline/PABIG/I completely forgot I still had the Reason For God! I was really wrong about the whole mysticism aspect in CoD (not call of duty) and I think it might be a book you'll benefit from. I'd imagine that a lot of it will be old news to you, but you might find some parts of it really interesting, I know I am.

I'll check back tomorrow for your post.

-The Mouse

Friday, October 14, 2011

Marcia-mellow, dressed in yellow

Hello David!

Marcia and I just finished watching American Beauty. It was a toss up between that and Adaptation, and we were going to leave the final decision up to Alyssa, but when she wasn't able to join us for the movie, I decided that Marcia would probably like a tragic suburban drama over a quirky meta jaunt. Well...I still hold that she would like American Beauty over Adaptation, but that's just because I really think she wouldn't be amused by Adaptation.

It's bedtime now. Marcia surprised me with microwave brownies, which we will enjoy tomorrow. Thanks for suggesting them. :-)

I will read you on Monday,
~The Princess~

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I have probably over 10 copies of this book sitting in my house

Hey Molly,

Today was really interesting. Work wasn't all that special, but during lunch I stopped by the local emissions tester to get, well, my car's emissions tested. The place was open, but apparently the guy who was supposed to do the testing was out for the day....WHAT?! Ok, granted they do provide other services, but still EMISSIONS is in their store name! Hmph.

My dad and I went out after dinner and grabbed an appetizer and a beer. We chatted for a while about faith and a number of other topics that we can delve into if you feel like giving me a call sometime nudge nudge wink wink. But really, it was nice. I've never really connected to my dad like man to man. It was good.

I've been trying to keep busy, for a number of different reasons. I'm starting to realize more and more that by focusing on small goals throughout the day, it's easier to keep that pace with bigger things. Tonight I'm gonna continue with "Celebration of Discipline". The next chapter focuses a bit on meditation, which has always kind of confused me in it's separation from prayer; maybe this will clear things up. I sent Pastor Anderson emails to two (2) email addresses, so hopefully he gets back to me by tomorrow morning (He's an early riser, like grandpa level early). We're also going to be discussing spiritual disciplines, I'm curious what he has to say about meditation, though given that this is one of his favorite books....hmmm....*UPDATE* 10:30 am tuesday we're gonna meet! ^5 Dave

Anyhoo, things are looking up for the Feldmeister! (if you get the reference I will eat one of Zach's socks out of sheer amazement). Goodnight!

-The Mouse-

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Poetry, shmoetry

Dear David,

How long do orchid flowers usually last? Because mine have been with me since the beginning of the school year and have yet to fade. I enjoy their company, I'd just like to know when I have to start worrying about their impending death. Should I get my orchid plant a friend, do you think?

I am ahead of the game study-program-wise. I finished my book for this month, and my scripture readings, and I've read the sections of the Westminster Shorter Catechism and Confession of Faith for this month AND the next. Now I just have to write my report on Spiritual Depression, which I hope to finish tomorrow morning.

I got a book by Terry Goodkind a while ago. It's called The Law of Nines. I was super excited to find another Goodkind novel (he wrote the Sword of Truth series), but I don't think this one has any dragons in it, so what's the point? Anyway, I just started Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. It's a great series, but I have somehow lost interest, even though I read through each of the first two books in three days.

I thought about writing a poem, because I have a lot of words swimming around in my head, but then I figured this was not really the place to get all artsy and morbid. And also, I want to get some reading done tonight and go to bed. I think I've been getting too much sleep again, because I'm always tired, and I just want to stay in bed all day. If I didn't have Responsibilities, I just might give in to that temptation.

I have another video in the works. Well, it's at the idea stage right now. I will write up the script this weekend,  because it is fall break so I will have not much to do. Well, I will write it up Monday, that is. BECAUSE MARCIA IS COMING ON FRIDAY WOOOOOT!!!

I will read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday? More like Snoozeday

Dear Molly,

I made dinner for the family tonight! Cooked some mac n' cheese, grilled some Kielbasa, yeah it was pretty great. I even served them on buttered-and-toasted hot dog buns., it's just in my genes. It's like culinary delights are my paints and tongues are my canvas. I'm trying to think of other ways to draw this subject out....nope! On to the next!

I can't wait for tomorrow. We're having a Psych Night!...I'm not quite sure what it is. I know Psych is a tv show, and I've seen a couple episodes but don't really remember much. HOWEVER, there will be pineapple-related foods (I guess that's a thing in the show?) and a group of people hanging out at John and Molony's. Only downside is that it starts at around 10 o'clock, which means a late night, given that a trip there is about an hour and 15 min. Worth it though to see molony's smiling face and chipper 'tude.

Rest of the night is gonna be spent trying to get this paper done. Nothing all that interesting, just trying to tie some paragraphs together and then write a cover letter for the whole thing. After that probably going to see if I can get a start on this book about spiritual disciplines that my dad has. Apparently Pastor Anderson said it's one of his favorite books, so I'm looking forward to that. There's ALSO gonna be some PABIG in there too, I haven't forgotten :P

I'll read you tomorrow

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pepper Pork

Dear David,

Oh man, I am such a good cook. Tonight I sauteed some garlic (which I peeled and diced by hand) and added cubes of pork (which I cut up myself), chopped green peppers (ditto), broccoli cuts (okay, that one had been frozen and pre-cut), tomatoe pieces (those, however, I did cut up myself), and carrot shavings. Add some soy sauce, some corn starch to thicken the mix, and cook up some rice, and what a wonderful meal I had. I used up a lot of food that needed to be eaten, and I still have plenty enough leftovers for two or three meals. And I love cooking, and it was a nice break from reading all day.

Tomorrow I am going biking with one of my girls. It will be the first day that I ride my new (to me) bike! I am excited, but I have to wake up and pump up the tires and fit it into my car and all that, so I need to get to bed so that I am all rested. Exercise is another one of those things that I know I will enjoy doing, but oh boy is it difficult to convince myself to get out there and move.

Three minutes to spare!
I will read you tomorrow,
~The Princess~

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It's your day, but I'm posting anyway.

Wendy invited me to have dinner at their house tonight. She made chicken pot pie with curry in it. I couldn't quite identify what the unique flavor was at first, but when she said it, all I could think of was how much you would've enjoyed that chicken pot pie.

~The Princess~